Obama: Throw Mubarak under the Bus!

What Should Obama do?

  • Throw Mubarak under the bus!

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Give Mubarak more time to drive over protesters!

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • other

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The US gives Egypt $1.3B US in arms and another $800M US in economic aid annually. Obama should tell the Egyptian military the $3.5 million in arms and economic support per day stops until a transitional unity government holds power in Egypt. I bet the Egyptian military won't even miss a single check.

Obama: Throw Mubarak under the bus!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
How many bloody threads do we need on the subject.....this is the equivalent of "SPAMMING"
I think a merge is in order here ...Non?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He already has thrown him under the bus. Have you been watching the news? More US meddling. We'll never learn.

BTW... Google "US reviewing Egypt aid" and I am sure you'll be satisfied for the time being.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
It's a bit awkward for the US to revel in the glory of democracy, while insisting that others aren't ready for the responsibility of democracy.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
How many bloody threads do we need on the subject.....this is the equivalent of "SPAMMING"
I think a merge is in order here ...Non?

Good point. However, since the post is here I am going to make my first comment on the situation and that is the best action the US can take is to do absolutely nothing. For too long the US has been associated with dictator after dictator. It is about time that the Americans actually began to support the democracy they think they have.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
He already has thrown him under the bus. Have you been watching the news? More US meddling. We'll never learn.

BTW... Google "US reviewing Egypt aid" and I am sure you'll be satisfied for the time being.

America Rocks!

Good point. However, since the post is here I am going to make my first comment on the situation and that is the best action the US can take is to do absolutely nothing. For too long the US has been associated with dictator after dictator. It is about time that the Americans actually began to support the democracy they think they have.

What do you mean by "absolutely nothing?"

Do you mean:

1) The US should do nothing as in "Continue giving Egypt aid money?"
2) The US should do nothing as in "Stop giving Egypt aid money?"

The US gives Egypt $1.3B US in arms and another $800M US in economic aid annually. Obama should tell the Egyptian military the $3.5 million in arms and economic support per day stops until a transitional unity government holds power in Egypt. I bet the Egyptian military won't even miss a single check.

Obama: Throw Mubarak under the bus!

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
America Rocks!

What do you mean by "absolutely nothing?"

Do you mean:

1) The US should do nothing as in "Continue giving Egypt aid money?"
2) The US should do nothing as in "Stop giving Egypt aid money?"

I mean that the US should do what it has a great deal of difficulty doing; and that is let the Egyptians settle this themselves. Threatening action when Egypt is in a state of flux is very unlikely to win the US any friends. The best course of action is to continue with business as usual until the dust settles, and then act when there is a bit more information. Threatening to withhold funding will hardly be viewed by any future Egyptian government as particularly friendly especially as the $1.3 billion really only amounts to less than one quarter of one percent of Egypt's GNP.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The first thing that should be done, is if the Egyptians turn on the west all aid should be cut off
within a day. No food, and no other assistance of any kind.
Beef up the Egyptian Israeli boarder and wait this thing out. If they fundamentalists take over,
that is the point where we have to decide what action should be taken in the absence of stability
in the region. No we should not mind our own business, it will cause a lot of difficulty down the


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Yeah...Obama ain't much good at this stuff.

How's having a community organizer as president working out? - Ezra Levant

I listened to Shimon Petes, President of Israel, this morning on CBC. He said simply that, for all his faults, Mubarak was a friend of peace..........and that war is inevitable if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power in Egypt.

And so? Why is it our responsibility who comes to power in Egypt? Perhaps any move toward the Muslim Brotherhood would be in reaction to propping up Mubarak for years?

Would it not be better to allow the Egyptians that right of democracy that we seem to feel is so important for us, but apparantly not anyone else if they vote in a way we don't approve?

Let them go and do what they want. I hardly think people in the US would be pleased if Britain had a say in who was President.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
And so? Why is it our responsibility who comes to power in Egypt? Perhaps any move toward the Muslim Brotherhood would be in reaction to propping up Mubarak for years?

Would it not be better to allow the Egyptians that right of democracy that we seem to feel is so important for us, but apparantly not anyone else if they vote in a way we don't approve?

Let them go and do what they want. I hardly think people in the US would be pleased if Britain had a say in who was President.
And how exactly will you feel when the body bags start gracing the evening news?

I do agree with the premise of your post, we should not install democracy anywhere, nor should we meddle in it at all.

But sometimes, is there not some justification in doing so, when to do nothing would certainly lead to an astonishing loss of life?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
And so? Why is it our responsibility who comes to power in Egypt? Perhaps any move toward the Muslim Brotherhood would be in reaction to propping up Mubarak for years?

Would it not be better to allow the Egyptians that right of democracy that we seem to feel is so important for us, but apparantly not anyone else if they vote in a way we don't approve?

Let them go and do what they want. I hardly think people in the US would be pleased if Britain had a say in who was President.

How would allowing repressive theocrats grabbing power in yet another middle east country promote democracy?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
What if they were elected by the people?

Do we only allow democracy when the candidates pass our approval first?

And how exactly will you feel when the body bags start gracing the evening news?

I do agree with the premise of your post, we should not install democracy anywhere, nor should we meddle in it at all.

But sometimes, is there not some justification in doing so, when to do nothing would certainly lead to an astonishing loss of life?
Care to answer my questions.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Why do we presume to have the right to decide who is qualified to have democracy?
You've asked that. I already gave you my feelings on the matter.

Why should we sit idly by and let mad men, duly elected or otherwise take power, only to fill more body bags?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Do not let fear mongers scare you into doing nothing as Egyptian security forces continue to round up dissidents. These people have put their lives on the line in the fight for freedom and democracy. They deserve our respect and support.
Detentions, and Aide’s Role, Anger Egyptians
Published: February 5, 2011

CAIRO — Vice President Omar Suleiman of Egypt has won the blessing of both the Mubarak and Obama administrations as the leader of a political transition toward democracy in Egypt. But human rights advocates say that so far Mr. Suleiman, who also is in charge of Egyptian intelligence, has shown no sign of discontinuing the practice of extra-legal detention of political opponents...

If you also believe in freedom and democracy, then I urge you to write letters to the editor and our political representatives to make clear statements in support freedom and democracy in Egypt. Mubarak and Omar Suleiman must resign now!

Who is Omar Suleiman?
Last edited:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Do not let fear mongers scare you into doing nothing as Egyptian security forces continue to round up dissidents. These people have put their lives on the line in the fight for freedom and democracy. They deserve our respect and support.

If you also believe in freedom and democracy, then I urge you to write letters to the editor and our political representatives to make clear statements in support freedom and democracy in Egypt.
Even if that means the electing of radical Islamic fundamentalists?

Do we really want to start charts and graphs on new death tolls?

And who are you to talk about fear mongering?

Do you actually read or understand the anti Joo crap you post?

It's the epitome of fear mongering.