British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed

Passengers refuse to allow holiday jet to take off until two Asian men are thrown off plane


20th August 2006

'Suspicions': Jo and Heath Schofield with daughter Isabel. Below:

Passengers mutinied on a Monarch Airlines A320 at Malaga

British holidaymakers staged an unprecedented mutiny - refusing to allow their flight to take off until two men they feared were terrorists were forcibly removed.

The extraordinary scenes happened after some of the 150 passengers on a Malaga-Manchester flight overheard two men of Asian appearance apparently talking Arabic.

Passengers told cabin crew they feared for their safety and demanded police action. Some stormed off the Monarch Airlines Airbus A320 minutes before it was due to leave the Costa del Sol at 3am. Others waiting for Flight ZB 613 in the departure lounge refused to board it.

The incident fuels the row over airport security following the arrest of more than 20 people allegedly planning the suicide-bombing of transatlantic jets from the UK to America. It comes amid growing demands for passenger-profiling and selective security checks.

It also raised fears that more travellers will take the law into their own hands - effectively conducting their own 'passenger profiles'.

The passenger revolt came as Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary was accused of using the terror crisis to make money. Government sources say he boasted to an official at the Transport Department: "Every time I appear on TV, I get a spike in sales."

The Tories said the Government's failure to reassure travellers had led the Malaga passengers to 'behave irrationally' and 'hand a victory to terrorists'.

Websites used by pilots and cabin crew were yesterday reporting further incidents. In one, two British women with young children on another flight from Spain complained about flying with a bearded Muslim even though he had been security-checked twice before boarding.

The trouble in Malaga flared last Wednesday as two British citizens in their 20s waited in the departure lounge to board the pre-dawn flight and were heard talking what passengers took to be Arabic. Worries spread after a female passenger said she had heard something that alarmed her.

Passengers noticed that, despite the heat, the pair were wearing leather jackets and thick jumpers and were regularly checking their watches.

Initially, six passengers refused to board the flight. On board the aircraft, word reached one family. To the astonishment of cabin crew, they stood up and walked off, followed quickly by others.

The Monarch pilot - a highly experienced captain - accompanied by armed Civil Guard police and airport security staff, approached the two men and took their passports.

Half an hour later, police returned and escorted the two Asian passengers off the jet.

'There was no fuss or panic'

Soon afterwards, the aircraft was cleared while police did a thorough security sweep. Nothing was found and the plane took off - three hours late and without the two men on board.

Monarch arranged for them to spend the rest of the night in an airport hotel and flew them back to Manchester later on Wednesday.

College lecturer Jo Schofield, her husband Heath and daughters Emily, 15, and Isabel, 12, were caught up in the passenger mutiny.

Mrs Schofield, 38, said: "The plane was not yet full and it became apparent that people were refusing to board. In the gate waiting area, people had been talking about these two, who looked really suspicious with their heavy clothing, scruffy, rough, appearance and long hair.

"Some of the older children, who had seen the terror alert on television, were starting to mutter things like, 'Those two look like they're bombers.'

"Then a family stood up and walked off the aircraft. They were joined by others, about eight in all. We learned later that six or seven people had refused to get on the plane.

"There was no fuss or panic. People just calmly and quietly got off the plane. There were no racist taunts or any remarks directed at the men.

"It was an eerie scene, very quiet. The children were starting to ask what was going on. We tried to play it down."

Mr Schofield, 40, an area sales manager, said: "When the men were taken off they didn't argue or say a word. They just picked up their coats and obeyed the police. They seemed resigned to the fact they were under suspicion.

"The captain and crew were very apologetic when we were asked to evacuate the plane for the security search. But there was no dissent.

"While we were waiting, everyone agreed the men looked dodgy. Some passengers were very panicky and in tears. There was a lot of talking about terrorists."

Patrick Mercer, the Tory Homeland Security spokesman, said last night: "This is a victory for terrorists. These people on the flight have been terrorised into behaving irrationally.

"For those unfortunate two men to be victimised because of the colour of their skin is just nonsense."

Monarch said last night: "The captain was concerned about the security surrounding the two gentlemen on the aircraft and the decision was taken to remove them from the flight for further security checks.

"The two passengers offloaded from the flight were later cleared by airport security and rebooked to travel back to Manchester on a later flight."

A spokesman for the Civil Guard in Malaga said: "These men had aroused suspicion because of their appearance and the fact that they were speaking in a foreign language thought to be an Arabic language, and the pilot was refusing to take off until they were escorted off the plane."


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

I’m sure Britain is not the only place where pple think the same way. Its not racism, how can it be when they are the ones that have made us feel that way, its fearing for your life that makes pple think irrationally, and I know that if that if in the same circumstance I and my husband who is Canadian would react in the same way. Its called being on your guard, what if it had been Canadians in that situation and reacted in the same way, would you still be saying


I think not, racism comes in many forms Blackleaf, and fearing for your life and getting out of that situation is not one of them, living in a society where you can be on a bus and get blown up, make pple very wary, let just hope they don’t make you feel the same way in Canada.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

If I were to walk around the streets with a pink boa around my neck, tight jeans, a very dashing feminte voice and shouted out "ohhhh ducky!!!!"....

Most people would assume I'm gay.....(and I'd have a pretty weak case dressing like that and claiming otherwise)

Now if these arab fellas want to dress in heavy leather coats in a heatwave, mumble in arabic all the time and at this particular troublsome time......well, what are people to think?

nothing racist there I'm afraid


Jun 23, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove


I think the people who were so rude to those guys should be arrested for something... breach of the peace maybe, or sued for loss of earnings... anyway they should be punished for their attitude to two men who for some reason were wearing leather jackets and checking their watches... who doesnt check their watch regularly when waiting to board a plane anyway??? Maybe they thought the leather jackets looked cool.

Anyway I am horrified that the company in question eventually bowed to the requests of the racist pigs. they took off without the men in question while the racist pigs and their children with polluted minds were allowed to make it clear to the world that britain beleives that foreigners should have less right to travel than others. If they went through the security checks then as far as i'm concerned they were clean. and if the whole plane was checked for 3 hours i imagine if there was anything to find they would have found it... and yet they STILL went without the guys!!!




This sort of thing should never be bowed to. If the people were that worried then THEY should be the ones not to fly and THEY should be the ones to pay for the delays and the inconvenience caused to the rational people on board.


-the airline company-for bowing to the racist demands of the so-called britons

-the racist pigs for being irrational, stupid and just plain rude

-the idiots who joined the band-wagon when they heard that foreigners were getting on the plane who, god-forbid, checked their watches and wore warm clothes


-the poor guys made to feel like criminals by the racist pigs and the scumbag airline

-rational thinking

-everyone else in the world who believes in common sense


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

and was there proof that they WERENT gonna commit these acts?..

OK, so it might seem like a pogrom to you Hermann (although the irony in your name hasnt escaped me!), put urself in the passenger's shoes..

they're not blowing up canadian airliners now are they?

(and I think racist pigs is a bit strong, we have no evidence either way, we cannot judge the situation, and the way you are speaking there makes you as reactionary as they were!!!) :evil:


Jun 23, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

They DID have proof that they werent up to anything. I have no doubt that since the security people spent 3 hours searching for danger they would have found any threats to passenger safety and could safely assume that the guys werent causing any trouble. after all they didnt have semtex up their arses did they?

you are correct about the statement racist pigs. I apologise. I do think that these people were being racist if not intentionally they were showing their racist prejudices, perhaps without knowing it. I still think it's disgraceful and it makes me angry


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

perhaps, but this whole situation is because of racism - on both sides.

I realise Canada has a lrge asian population, but the circumstances are different in the's not a melting pot, racial tensions here are at an all-time high, and the very fact that the 7/7 bombers were born here has made EVERY english person, rightly or wrongly look at anyone dressed or looking or arabic a possible bomber.

It's the way of life I'm afraid, throughout history such a case would be used to evict whole racial groups, it's human nature I'm afraid.

it's a case of it happening so close to home people dont know who to trust, very similar to after 9/11.....actually possibly a lot worse because they were home grown.


Jun 23, 2006
Re: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

I'm british and while you are correct that every asian person i see as possible terrorist, this is true of everyone i see. White people can be fanatical muslims too. Or rather: anyone can be a crazy ba$tard


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
RE: British passengers re

of course (me too).......I'm in southampton :(

but thats where the arguement falls down isnt it?....but it's a stereotype unfortunatly


Mar 24, 2002
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

Well, as I've read elsewhere - "Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim", I'd be scared if I saw people dressed like that on such a flight... and speaking arabic ontop of that.

The government of the UK has brought this all on themselves. I don't ever remember referenda asking the British people whether they wanted to allow mass immigration to the tune of over 200,000 per year; a large portion of which are muslims.

Just remember, it's not the new immigrants who are the largest problems, it's the following generations of which will become more and more disenchanted with Britain, its people, its customs and especially its laws.

What happened in the article is only the beginning of something.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers re

This is why it’s very important for the leadership of our country to take a fair minded view of the world with a recognition of the value all our citizens place in our society. A government that isn’t balanced in such regards and decides to lean to one side over the other alienates one’s own citizenry because of reasons external to our borders. Such a government creates the risk of stoking internal tensions by an unfair bias against those who should not be collectively punished for their personal identity.

Our nationalism is one represented though a colourful spectrum. European countries may show a different nationalism based on their historic identity which they will see very much by the representation of their ancestry and history. I did spend a little time in England (I hold an expired British Passport) and listened to my cab driver in London tell me about the black population as he drove me through a district. He didn’t refer to them as black people but rather with the ‘n’ word. This was about 14 years ago.

London England is quite multicultural cultural for European standards. The more south away from the city into the English Countryside, the more racist I seemed to notice of the people. That could be much the same however in some of Canada’s rural areas.

If our government doesn’t show a real sense of sensitivity for the diversity of this country, we have as much potential to turn our society into a hostile environment.

I was born in Canada and have seen different waves of immigration take place in this country. I have met and shared experiences with a lot of different people; initially having grown up in a more poorer district. I’ve noticed that everyone really wants to be part of the greater society. There can be a need for familiarity. You have the China Towns, and the Little Italys and other such neighbourhoods. Yet while their is the need for the expression of one’s original identity I have never seen it used as a way of not wanting to be a part of the larger community. Rather it totally enriches the nation.

There was a time when I grew up among many Portuguese families and I was known as the Portuguese kid who wasn’t Portuguese. I remember the kids I use to play with almost as brothers and sisters. They weren’t trying to be exclusive to the society and the greater irony was the families alternatively adopting me into their culture. Some of my best memories are here.

I know of someone who lives in a very multicultural area. There are actually a lot of arabs living there. Every time I have gone to play a game of tennis all I see are arabs sitting around in their long gowns, some with their turbans - sitting in circles in the park area looking as through they are having long philosophical discussions. Some will occasionally smile my way. Any problems I’ve heard of in that neighbourhood has never come from them. They always appear very serene, peaceful. It’s been like that for the past 15 years there and I hope things don’t change now.

Once division starts to be created, once mistrust starts to be sown, when unjustified fears are sensationalized on a targeted group, the problems it creates becomes all the much harder to fix. If anyone here has ever been a target of prejudice, you will know what I mean by this.

The appreciation and adoption of our Canadian values will be shared and respected by an appreciation of our people.


Nominee Member
Aug 4, 2006
RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are remove

I just want to know how we (British) are supposed to feel when in one of our cities called Birmingham, there is a large community of Asians, and while during the day it is safe to go through these streets if you are white, but after dark, we are not allowed to go there, there is a scrawling on a wall just as you enter this area that is in Arabic, it says " No whites after dark" " you have been warned", this is true and have seen it with my own eyes, how do I know it says that, because my Asian friend told me so and it was in the local paper some years ago about it. You will not find one white person there, and the law does nothing about it in case they are deemed racist, If I was to do that in my town where 99% is white, then I would be deemed racist and make to take it down.

Its messier than you think, people outside of England do not get to see what is really going on here, my husband from Alberta was so shocked by how much we (the whites) get accused of racism for the slightest thing. Before anyone calls us racist pigs again, I think you should come to England and experience it for yourself, and believe me, its not pretty, the green green grass of England is slowly turning a nasty shade of red.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

Like I said, countries in Europe are much different in having to deal with the problem of ethnicity. With long traditions in history and ancestry I don’t have answers for the Europeans.

I can’t comment on Birmingham but when there is a ghettoization of a particular culture where there isn’t just the problem of poverty, but also of indifference to that poverty and further exclusion, you get racism either way. Doesn’t make it right from either side. My dad grew up in a very poor neighbourhood in England. They might have been poor but they didn’t feel excluded because they are English in every sense of the word. Everyone turned out well.

Canada is different from Europe in that our contemporary history is made up of generations of a multitude of cultures despite early English Colonization and Settlement by the French. We have a short history apart from the Native community. At this point in our society there really isn’t anyone who could, or should claim ownership over the Canadian Culture.

I love walking in Vancouver and seeing just as many Asians as there are East Indians as their are those of Caucasian European descent. It is even more a beautiful city in that regards. I have loved Folklorama in Winnipeg where many/all of the different cultures put on a week long show of their cultural identity beyond that of Canadian. Every year it is a week of celebration of the diversity that makes the whole. It is an event of acceptance an recognition. Colourful, friendly, and truly a beautiful mosaic statement via arts, music and dance.

In the very least, Blair siding with Bush as to the Iraq War has not helped the situation in England. It will further cause the radicalization of it’s own members in society which are even British born, but regarded somewhat less British. How can anyone not see that?

This is why I am so concerned on this forum to try to make people understand this with our own Canadian determination. The problems outside our borders should not be hammered down on our society in a way that taints our perception on those completely innocent here at home. Canadians who live as Canadians. Not as radicals. People attributed some sort of guilt only on the basis of ethnicity by a media who loves to sensationalize.

It is a very different world out there and one that is trying to seep into this world here. It is truly the road to ruin for any multicultural society.

This is why I can not tolerate a government that shows contempt or indifference to segments of the population whether by economic standing, or cultural standing. This is why by default for me any politician from any party that would have taken us into the Iraq War does not deserve to be leader of this country. One can only imagine the problems we would have adopted here in Canada, not to mention our international reputation so mired by the torture scandals of the USA.


Council Member
Nov 21, 2005
Re: RE: British passengers re

"London England is quite multicultural cultural for European standards. The more south away from the city into the English Countryside, the more racist I seemed to notice of the people. That could be much the same however in some of Canada’s rural areas."

THAT complete Bollocks, it's BS, I live in southampton, very much south of London, and it's one of the most PC cities and racially mixed in the country, Brighton, also in the south, the most openly gay population in the country mix with every race you can think of!!!!

It's ACTUALLY up North where you have the problems (although they are slowly moving south) the bradford (bradistan as some people refer to it) race riots, watch a program called "Homes under the hammer" on British TV every morning, watch the housing auctions up north, it's not the rich WHITE people buying up all the houses there, ITS the rich asians, and while the north/south poor/rich devide is getting bigger, a LOT of people, and I MEAN a LOT are upset that they come here and virtually lord it over the poor whites, calling for sharia law and causing race riots!!!.

You unfortunatly would have a hard time understanding it if you are not from the UK, but to call these passengers racist pigs is way beyound the mark, as I've said time and time again, it was racist pigs who murdered my friend in the london tube 7/7 bombings....Arab racist pigs.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers re

Daz_Hockey said:
THAT complete Bollocks, it's BS, I live in southampton, very much south of London, and it's one of the most PC cities and racially mixed in the country, Brighton, also in the south, the most openly gay population in the country mix with every race you can think of!!!!

I apologize Daz_Hockey. I didn’t mean it in such an epidemic way. I came off sounding completely wrong. The southern part of England is tolerant, or was tolerant from how I remember it. The people are not racist. Some bad apples now and then. I really meant that sometimes you don’t find people as international as the Londoners which are very multicultural. I worded it terribly. I can see that. There would be enough tourism to have to have a level of tolerance in the south.

I realize now how I came off sounding and I regret to paint any extreme picture. Much the same as when I mentioned rural Canada. I actually live out in the countryside now and people are very nice out here. I just noticed attitudes show a minor difference away from London in thinking. Again a bit less international but that would be understandable.

Honestly, I meant no disrespect. I spent a fair time in Sussex. I loved Brighton. Which reminds me how my old fashioned uncle would gripe about the nude male beachers along the coast.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers re

Daz_Hockey said:
You unfortunatly would have a hard time understanding it if you are not from the UK, but to call these passengers racist pigs is way beyound the mark, as I've said time and time again, it was racist pigs who murdered my friend in the london tube 7/7 bombings....Arab racist pigs.

I never called anyone a racist pig.


Time Out
Jul 19, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

Carmoral said:
I just want to know how we (British) are supposed to feel when in one of our cities called Birmingham, there is a large community of Asians, and while during the day it is safe to go through these streets if you are white, but after dark, we are not allowed to go there, there is a scrawling on a wall just as you enter this area that is in Arabic, it says " No whites after dark" " you have been warned", this is true and have seen it with my own eyes, how do I know it says that, because my Asian friend told me so and it was in the local paper some years ago about it. You will not find one white person there, and the law does nothing about it in case they are deemed racist, If I was to do that in my town where 99% is white, then I would be deemed racist and make to take it down.

Its messier than you think, people outside of England do not get to see what is really going on here, my husband from Alberta was so shocked by how much we (the whites) get accused of racism for the slightest thing. Before anyone calls us racist pigs again, I think you should come to England and experience it for yourself, and believe me, its not pretty, the green green grass of England is slowly turning a nasty shade of red.

Quite frankly, I find your generalizations over done. I have been there and found it quite the opposite picture you paint. What I find about this whole situation is that it makes me not angry but very sad. People on a one to one basis are on the whole, kind and caring. Those two gentlemen realized that their presence made people uncomfortable and left without incident or hurtful words. Yes the plane was delayed but it did finally get off and everyone including the two gentlemen was more comfortable with the changes I'm sure. No one likes the suspicions but they are real and if I read the article correctly it seemed as if the two gentlemen understood also.

I was watching the BBC the other night and the man that was interviewed in Holland was saying that just because their skin is a different color doesn’t make them terrorist but his people need to realize that fighting or resenting people for being scared isn't logical either. So in cooperating with authorities it shows that their people are citizens of the community in large not just of their religion. It also shows the world that they are not standing still for terrorist at large either. I personally thought it was the bravest thing I've heard in years.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

Let’s all be honest however. Multiculturalism poses a very different problem in Europe than in Canada. Again I see such reasons being a much deeper ancestry and history with the Europeans. A definite main culture (for now). And I’m not saying this to be condemning in any way.

I think it’s easier to accept an evolution of multiculturalism in Canada whereas in Europe people will feel a strong need to really protect an ‘identity’. A clash of values against a distinctly main culture is a situation which will ultimately lead to some level of intolerance. Canada’s history has many examples of similar social intolerance, but Canada continues to be in dynamic evolution with multiculturalism. An evolution I wish to see flourish.

As far as Europe I’ll give an example. I remember being told how an ethnically interracial couple was in Italy for occupational reasons. Everyone treated them wonderfully. They loved their experience in Italy so much that they decided to live there. As soon as people realized it was more a permanent stay and not a visitation the treatment they received suddenly changed.

I don’t like to suggest this as racism, but what I have painted illustrates a dilemma that when viewed through current Canadian standards would be seen as racism. I understand the situation is not as simple as that and recognize racism still exists in Canada to some extent.

Europe however is facing a fairly complex problem when it comes to multiculturalism different than what is happening here (for now and hopefully never).

My concern for Canada these days is that this country allows the tensions outside our borders to begin to divide us. To taint our perspective on multiculturalism because we start to view it through the problems of another country. Or equally, to adopt a US perspective of the world, and to empower a government that might not approach the populous with a sense of fair-mindedness regarding such diversity. There is so much demonization of people in the world these days that we are all going to be convinced to become enemies of one another.


Electoral Member
Mar 13, 2006
Re: RE: British passengers refuse to fly until Asians are re

feronia said:
So in cooperating with authorities it shows that their people are citizens of the community in large not just of their religion. It also shows the world that they are not standing still for terrorist at large either. I personally thought it was the bravest thing I've heard in years.

That is some really good insight. Everyone fails to see it from the other side. The two that would have had the most discomfort from the incident acting with decency to the situation illustrates an entirely different challenge. A type of challenge in one’s life that is of a viewpoint western society typically ignores.