Harper Urged to Urge Latortue


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Alexis McDonough, M.P., the Member for Halifax and Foreign Affairs Critic for the New Democratic Party of Canada, is urging the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P., the Member for Calgary Southeast and Prime Minister of Canada, to urge His Excellency Gérard Latortue, the outgoing Prime Minister of Haiti, to set dates for the run-off parliamentary elections.

During the election in Haiti, many of the ridings failed to elect a member by absolute majority (at least 50% of the votes), necessitating run-off elections; the elections were at first schedule for March 19 but have been delayed indefinitely by Prime Minister Latortue. The newly-elected René Préval, the President-elect of Haiti cannot be sworn-in until all parliamentary elections have been completed.

The Web site for the [i said:
New Democratic Party of Canada[/i]]"Although Haitians were angered by evident flaws in their recent election, most breathed a sigh of relief when René Préval was declared the elected President of Haiti. However, the cancelled runoff parliamentary election also delays Mr. Préval's installation as President," said McDonough. "There is ample reason to fear that this decision will further enrage Haitians who see this as an attempt to prevent Mr. Préval from assuming office."

"Haitians have suffered tremendously throughout history, especially in recent years. They have elected a new President who must be given his rightful opportunity to govern. If Canada is truly concerned about the welfare of Haitians and supports the democratic election of Mr. Préval, then Mr. Harper must urge Mr. Latortue to set a firm date for the necessary runoff elections, sooner, rather than later," said McDonough.

Click here to read the entire article, in English.
Cliquetez içi pour lire l'article entier, en français.
:?: Sources
Click here for the Web site of the New Democratic Party of Canada.