The New Conservative in America

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: The New Conservative

There isn't much that's really conservative about Rove, Bush, and the PNAC gang. They are radicals...religiously, economically, and ideologicly. Their radical outlook is based not clear thought or consideration, not on a vision of a better world, but in their faith in state-backed corporatism and a vengeful god last seen in the Old Testament.

Rove and his pals are whackos. They've been pushing the same policies for twenty-five years, and those policies have not worked yet. Now they are grasping at straws.

They claim victory because of the Iraq elections, but their boy got only 14% of the vote. I've seen three separate nut-bars give Bush credit for the democracy that seems to be breaking out in Lebanon, yet Bush had little (if anything at all) to do with that.

They are fantasists at best.


House Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hmmm... Tax cuts for the rich ...cut programs to the poor and disabled. Revamp social security so the rich can invest and the poor and the elderly can receive the big clawback. Take a surplus budget and throw it into the highest possible debt any country has ever had. Who cares about the enviroment as long as the corporations make a profit. Gee, I don't see any difference between the old and the new.


Electoral Member
Nov 5, 2004
Fruita, CO, Aztlan
Once everyone to the left of Colin Powell is either in custody, exiled, in a mental hospital or marginalized to the periphery of the new society, we will probably finally witness the divisions within the one party state in the final apocalyptic battle of Armageddon which will determine exactly what group of right wing ideologues will rule over the demented mess of a state. There will be Cuban American republicans versus white supremists, isolationists vs. imperialists, libertarians vs. national security buffs, friends of Taiwan vs. outsourcers to mainland China, the religious vs. the secular right, closed border xenophobes vs. those who want to exploit cheap foreign labour, economic nationalists vs. globalists, redneck conservatives vs. country club conservatives, etc. Buy your ticket now, reserve your seat in advance.