Mbeki blames British imperialism for Sudans problems


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Mbeki blames British imperialism for problems

That seems to be a common theme these days. Blame someone who has been long dead and Blame things on events (no matter how unfortunate) that happened 50 years ago or so.

They have had a lot of time to get their act together and Blaming Churchill and Britain is just a poor excuse or cop out. For their own incompetence.

Yes the British did bad things, but when is it time to put the self pity away and get on with life? As much as I wish it could be done , one can not change the past. Just learn from the mistakes and positives, get over it(its not easy) and move on with life.

Thats the problem with people we don't want to get over anything and it is easier to blame someone else than take responsibility for our own actions.

So much chaos caused by petty grievances in this world. In this day and age we should be able to put our petty differences aside, then rise above them and move on.....

And the almighty dollars of the world make it worse. I say every country should get rid of money, then that eliminates greed and then poverty goes away and everyone on this planet is rightly provided for.

I know I sound like a dreamer at times as their is and may not ever be any political will to do any of my suggestions.(especially Cheney and "W")

Power and Greed will destroy this planet and it has been happening for a while and it is only going to get worse.