Britain admits Iraq war led to ISIS


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Former British PM Blair admits Iraq war played role in rise of Islamic State

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was partly responsible for the emergence of the Islamic State militant group in the Middle East. But he insisted that toppling dictator Saddam Hussein had been the right thing to do.

Blair told CNN that “there are elements of truth” in the assertion that the war caused the rise of IS.

“Of course you can’t say those of us who removed Saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015,” he said in the interview to be broadcast Sunday. He added that the Arab Spring had also played a role in creating instability that allowed the Islamic fundamentalist militant group to flourish.

Blair’s decision to take Britain into the Iraq war – based on what turned out to be false claims about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction – remains hugely divisive, and contributed to his Labour Party’s loss of power in 2010.

Blair insisted that removing Saddam was the right thing to do, but apologized, as he has before, for failures in post-war planning.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Sounds more like he is trying to escape war crimes charges.

Whatever his reasons, when Obama pulled out the last of the U.S. troops because he was unable to get a status of forces agreement, that is when all hell broke lose, and not before.

Previous to the U.S. pulling out the troops, Iraq was able to have elections and was fairly stable.

Only a complete fool would think that there is no connection between ISIS and the Iraq war.

I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my a$$


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Try 1991 and Gulf War I and the slant drilling into Iraq's oilfield by companies on Kuwait soil.

You sure you don't mean pull your head out of your ***?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Try 1991 and Gulf War I and the slant drilling into Iraq's oilfield by companies on Kuwait soil.

You sure you don't mean pull your head out of your ***?
Slant drilling into Iraq from Kuwait LMFAO. Man, where do you come up with this bullshyte?
Oh, don't tell me to Google it, I already did. The only actual news source was the NY Times and it was already a leftist propaganda rag by the time Gulf War 1 occurred. The rest of the links are Wiki(not exactly a source of reliable info on certain subjects) forums posts, blogs and other nonsense like Iraqi sources making the accusations.

What next? Are you going to suggest that Hitler invaded Poland because the Poles actually did try to take over a German radio station along the German/Polish border.

I'm sure you don't doubt for one minute though, that the US reason for invading Iraq the last time around was a complete and utter fabrication. But Saddam? No way, he and his henchmen were just solid, upright global citizens and would never, EVER lie about their reasons for invading Kuwait. Right?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
He didn't take his Zoloft this morning and he's suffering from withdrawal....
Zoloft? I'm guessing more along the lines of Thorazine.

The OP is correct though. there didn't seem to be much of a plan for Iraq beyond getting Saddam. Kind of reminds me of the underpants gnomes from South Park;

1. Invade Iraq
2. Capture Saddam
3. ?
4. Peace in Iraq


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Most Germans were in favour of invading Poland

Not suprising, considering that many Germans resented the fact that Poland had received the former German provinces of West Prussia, Poznan, and Upper Silesia under the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I'm sure you don't doubt for one minute though, that the US reason for invading Iraq the last time around was a complete and utter fabrication. But Saddam? No way, he and his henchmen were just solid, upright global citizens and would never, EVER lie about their reasons for invading Kuwait. Right?
You must be referencing the Saddam who fought a proxy war against Iran after they booted the US out of their country. He even cleared it with the US and their response was they had no interest in the 'local affairs'. That would seem to make the US the liars in this case and you would be one of their henchmen supporting a known lie. I might add you are piss-poor at doing it as well.

Not suprising, considering that many Germans resented the fact that Poland had received the former German provinces of West Prussia, Poznan, and Upper Silesia under the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.
Either that or they needed the coal to fuel their industries.

He should face no war crimes charges. Most Britons were in favour of invading Iraq.
Put them on trial right beside him then. That would seem to make your country collectively stupid then if you can miss that big of a issue and get it wrong for 10 years or so.

It's not called the muddled east for nothing...

Wait until they kill each other off.....then go in...
Fuk you are some stupid. lol

He didn't take his Zoloft this morning and he's suffering from withdrawal....
Apparently there is a cure for me, no such help for you two tards.
Sleepy can't even post on topic and his side-kick still can't dispute the history promoted my Miko Peled, or anything in this one as far as 'facts' go. If you two have to lie to put your 'cause' in a good light then it must be as fukked-up as you two minions.



Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Not suprising, considering that many Germans resented the fact that Poland had received the former German provinces of West Prussia, Poznan, and Upper Silesia under the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.

Yup, and the Nazis did not commit war crimes because of it


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It is only democratic when you are expressing opinions of what is happening iunside your own country. If you want a say in what happens in another country go live there and become a citizen of that country and then your 'opinion' might mean something.
How many other nations run the UK?

You mean Nazi UK don't you?


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Many people still haven't figured out that America only goes into wars which they (the ruling classes) have vital interests in.

They do not do these things for benevolent reasons like overthrowing dictators like Saddam. They prop up enough dictatorships when it suits their interests.