Netanyahu to Obama: Peace Is 'Not a Piece of Paper'.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda:

“I mean, we vacated cities in Judea and Samaria. We left entirely Gaza. We’ve not only frozen settlements, we’ve uprooted entire settlements. We’ve released hundreds of terrorist prisoners, including dozens in recent months,” Netanyahu said. “And when you look at what we got in return, it’s been scores of suicide bombings, thousands of rockets on our cities fired from the areas we vacated, and just incessant Palestinian incitement against Israel. So Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say that the Palestinians haven’t.”​
Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been pushing an agreement as a legacy issue, and Vice President Joe Biden were both present at the remarks.​

Also at PJM, Bryan Preston's "Obama Finds a Country to Threaten. Too Bad It's Israel"

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