I'll go on a diet by this food


Time Out
Nov 30, 2010
YouTube - Korean Food: Bibimbap (???)

[FONT=&#44404]A month ago, I put on weight so I was a bit peeved about that. One of my friends recommended bibimbap to me and said "it is very healthy and has an effect on a diet". I was so sad that I couldn't eat my favorite food fried potatoes. But I went on a diet by that food. I usually eat korean food especially bibimbap. carrots, green pumpkins, eggs, bean sprouts, spinachs etc. sometimes I felt I became a cow eating weeds, but bibimbap was quite delicious. especially, sesame oil & red pepper paste are important to this food.[/FONT][FONT=&#44404]you should adjust those quantities. After one month, I lost 10 kg weight. I think korean food is quite effective on a diet. I heard bibimbap is popular other countries like asia,south america. how about bibimbap for your launch? [/FONT]