HANDGUNS!!!!.......YIKES!!!!....in canada


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm


Morality wreck your link Nugg.

Here it is embedded so as not to offend the sensitive.

Hand Guns in Canada

* I see that doesn't work either. Click on the link then replace the stars in the URL with the bad word for poop.

If that's not too much work, lol.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I saw that **** had been replaced by ****, but thought everyone could decipher that. And they could, of course, just havin some fun with ol Nugg........ha ha.

Actually the link "canadianbullsh!t.com is a pretty good place to spend some time.. A different (or maybe a like) point of view, for sure.

Let's see: canadianbullfeces.com.................nope

canadianbullcrap.com...............nope, didn't work.

you are goin to have to type the nasty word..........sorry.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Here is a synopsis:

Handguns are a good thing, a wonderful thing.
There are not nearly enough handguns in Canada to go around.
So buy a handgun today, help end the shortage.
Thank you.

BTW, I have seven, so if you are desperate, I might sell you one.

but I doubt it.



kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Here is a synopsis:

Handguns are a good thing, a wonderful thing.
There are not nearly enough handguns in Canada to go around.
So buy a handgun today, help end the shortage.
Thank you.

BTW, I have seven, so if you are desperate, I might sell you one.

but I doubt it.


Holy bull****, Colpy!! You read the whole thing already??~!!

Way ta go, eh!

You gotta .50 cal Desert Eagle you'd part with?



Time Out
Apr 20, 2008


There is a huge amount of Bull**** associated with handguns in Canada. Many Canadians strongly feel there should be no handguns in Canada. Many more Canadians would like to own a handgun but are prevented from doing so by the law. A few criminals own handguns and use them in the commission of crimes. Some Canadians own unregistered handguns and use them for personal protection and or target shooting. They have no intention of using them for criminal activities yet are immediately branded criminal for owning an unregistered handgun.

cut and pasted


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Here is a synopsis:

Handguns are a good thing, a wonderful thing.
There are not nearly enough handguns in Canada to go around.
So buy a handgun today, help end the shortage.
Thank you.

BTW, I have seven, so if you are desperate, I might sell you one.

but I doubt it.


Just one question colpy why do you need them what purpose do they serve,is it a macho thing or something else have you actually shot anything with them and lastly why do you need 7 aint one deadly weapon enough jeez i got a pen knife and a slingshot


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Just one question colpy why do you need them what purpose do they serve,is it a macho thing or something else have you actually shot anything with them and lastly why do you need 7 aint one deadly weapon enough jeez i got a pen knife and a slingshot

In a free country, there is absolutely no requirement for me to explain the reasons that I would own any legal device.......unfortunately, this nation is slowly pulling away from the concept of liberty.

That said, I used to own three handguns, a Browning 9mm I bought in 1976 just because I was enthralled with the design, a .22 LR target pistol for informal target shooting, and a Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum that I bought for practise because it was very similar to the service revolver I carried in my job.

Since then I have inherited 4 handguns, two each from my father (who died in 2003) and brother (who died in 2006).

I also own 18 long guns. :)

Yes they are all locked up and I have a security system.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Cool! I used to have a Browning Hi-Power. Got it when they first came out in 1969. Did a lot of plinking with it (never killed anyone with it). It was fun. Sold it to buy an antique single action revolver, which is also fun to plink with.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
In a free country, there is absolutely no requirement for me to explain the reasons that I would own any legal device.......unfortunately, this nation is slowly pulling away from the concept of liberty.

That said, I used to own three handguns, a Browning 9mm I bought in 1976 just because I was enthralled with the design, a .22 LR target pistol for informal target shooting, and a Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum that I bought for practise because it was very similar to the service revolver I carried in my job.

Since then I have inherited 4 handguns, two each from my father (who died in 2003) and brother (who died in 2006).

I also own 18 long guns. :)

Yes they are all locked up and I have a security system.

Thanks for answering it may seem nosy to you why i asked ,i can see why people would want to own guns, as i have in my past shot some real rifles, and have a marksman certificate to prove it, i shot 5 rounds within a ten pence piece at 200 yards with a SLR, when i was in the ATC (air training coup) i also got to shoot a 303 and fly a chipmunk airplane ,hand guns were only allowed to be used by our commanding officers so we were never allowed to shoot those .Whats a long gun.? im unfamiliar with the term i can guess that it has a long barrel or something but like i say ive never heard of the term...:smile:


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Long gun = weirdspeak for rifle. lol
I have shot many things very accurately with an SLR at many times that distance you mentioned. :D

Thanks for the explanation ,i might just point out that i was 13 when i got the certificate, as the ATC was kinda of like a pre RAF , school at the time i thought it was pretty good ,ive owned air rifles as they are about as dangerous as it gets in Briton, and have always been a good shot ,when i lived on the road in my wagon (horse & cart) i used to shoot critters for my dogs and my self on occasion,i got rid of it in the end because of the pain i had inflicted on the ones that got away ,and probably died near or in their holes ,my conscience got the better of me and i could no longer kill ....:-(