The Cult of Magic


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Over the last decade or so, I’ve lost interest in debating my Progressive friends on most everything. I’ll torment them when the opportunity arises or subtly mock them by appearing to go along with their latest crackpottery, but I avoid getting into anything resembling a serious debate with them. There’s simply no point. I’d have more luck debating an astrologer.

The astrologer, at least, understands that their thing is bullsh!t. People into the black arts willingly admit to being into magic and they never pretend otherwise. Some astrologers, I suppose, come close to making claims to science, but they never hide the magical bits at the core. Instead, they believe the stars determine our fate in some magical way that can be discovered. It’s kooky, but they don’t pretend it is real science and it is basically harmless.

Hang around Lefty for any length of time and you inevitably bump up against what can only be labeled as magical thinking. There’s an old gag in engineering where you have a flow chart describing all the inputs pointing to a box labeled “something magical happens” which then leads to the desired output. The modern Progressive orthodoxy is shot through with some version of this, usually dressed up with “studies” that read like astrological charts.


The Cult of Magic | The Z Blog


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
whats funny is almost everyone has know idea what they are talking about
World Mysteries - Strange Artifacts, Celtic Cross - by Crichton Miller
if you start there, you can wind up with a complete explanation for everything
( astrological signs, "tablets of destiny", and maybe charts, and a working cross, allows one to CROSS an ocean in a carrack, or maybe a trireme )

Psssst! wanna know how to turn lead into gold....?
turn it into bullets!
( thats why the guy who invented gunpowder is also labeled as the "last great alchemist":
things are always found in the last place you look for them,
or you use the celtic cross/anhk as a scale, which calculates and converts values to
fractions of a "turn" which are comparable for trade. )

happily, knowing this completely rewrites history, AND anyone can do this stuff at home with stuff you have lying around the house because lucky for us, knowing and believing are two different things
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