Muslim high school soccer team refuses to play team with two girls


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Don't want to play? Forfeit the game.

They said that they would forfeit if the girl's didn't sit out the second half. The Catholic team needed more goals to ensure they advanced so the girl's sat.

They were salty that they were getting their butts kicked.

Girls like this make boys like that feel very inadequate.



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Here in Gopherland if a team refuses to play under such circumstances they forfeit.

I was just watching a little league ballgame in each each squad had one girl on their side. Our team's girl drew three walks and she scored all three times and we won! This neighborhood is increasingly becoming filled with more and more East Africans who are Muslim. They are told by social advocates that in this society we do not discriminate based on gender. So far, most of them seem to accept that.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

Girls sat out after ISNA team offered to forfeit rather than play against girls

Hamilton Spectator
By Nicholas Keung
Carla Briscoe was "in shock" when the all-male players of a rival high school soccer team raised concerns about playing against members of the opposite sex.
The rival team, from a private Islamic high school, raised the issue during a half-time break and offered to forfeit the game rather than continue playing against a team with girls on it.
"I was really upset, in shock," said Briscoe, a Grade 12 student at Caledon's Robert F. Hall Catholic School, who chose to sit on the sidelines for the rest of Tuesday's game against Mississauga's ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) Islamic High School.
"We were only two goals ahead. I didn't want to ruin the game for the rest of the guys. We just couldn't let them forfeit the game because we needed the extra goals to advance," the 18-year-old said.

he game between ISNA Islamic High School and Robert F. Hall in the Region of Peel Secondary School Athletic Association's regional tournament has renewed the ongoing debate about balancing religious accommodation and gender equality.
On Friday, ISNA issued a statement apologizing for the "confusion and misunderstandings" arising from the incident, saying it had not been aware of ROPSSAA's rules allowing female players on boys' teams.
"The opposing team chose to substitute the female players as opposed to accepting the forfeit. In hindsight, ISNA regrets that the female players felt they could not participate," the statement said.
"It was never the team's intention to exclude female participation . . . The team sincerely regrets if any team members or participants were hurt or felt discriminated" against, the statement added.
Briscoe, who is one of only two female players on the Robert F. Hall team, has been left with some feelings of bitterness.
"I respect their culture and religion, and I don't want to say anything bad about their religion just like I don't want others to say anything bad about the Catholics. But I have my right to play as much as their right to religious freedom," she said.

More:Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

Religious freedom vs gender equality......and the bell has sounded.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

... and versus secular law. Those young Muslims are going to have a tough time living their lives here without somebody bringing suit against them for dicrimitating like that. Their teachers missed a "teaching moment" that this sort of behavior is inappropriate, alien and illegal in Canada. If you can't play against everybody in the league, leave the league.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

It was stupid of them to play it out. They should have accepted the forfeit. Let the protesting team see how far they can get in a league with forfeiting every other game.

Sometimes ya just gotta cut that baby in half.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

It was stupid of them to play it out. They should have accepted the forfeit. Let the protesting team see how far they can get in a league with forfeiting every other game.

The problem was they needed goals to advance, not just games. So, while the girls did offer to step aside, I can understand how still they feel like they capitulated to an unfair request. (They didn't step aside for the opposing team but for their own.) Conversely, I find it difficult to believe the Muslim school spent a fews years in this league and didn't once read the rules that allow girls to play on a team. So they didn't really do their due diligence but I have to give them props for offering to take a forfeit instead of demanding the other team comply with their requirements.


rigid member
May 31, 2007
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

oh, so they only use this ploy when they're goals behind? Simple, amend the rules so that only the points of the forfeiting team are disallowed. The points of the teams with girls, who have every right to play, should stand.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

It was stupid of them to play it out. They should have accepted the forfeit. Let the protesting team see how far they can get in a league with forfeiting every other game.

Sometimes ya just gotta cut that baby in half.
They needed more goals to get in to the playoffs so a forfeit would not have helped them.

This was posted here before.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

Was it? My bad, I don't remember it.

It was. My Rogers internet is flaky this morning so I am not wanting to search for it.

But perhaps a mod could find it and merge it. Know any of those? :)


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

It was. My Rogers internet is flaky this morning so I am not wanting to search for it.

But perhaps a mod could find it and merge it. Know any of those? :)

I could be persuaded to look around for one. :D

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

There's Mods on here?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Re: Female players sidelined in Mississauga Muslim soccer team’s protest

It was. My Rogers internet is flaky this morning so I am not wanting to search for it.

But perhaps a mod could find it and merge it. Know any of those? :)

Merged. You know, with the thread started by the other mod, lol.

There's Mods on here?

Why? You looking to start trouble or just trying to be a smarta$$?