He Lost 3 Years and a Child, but Got No Apology


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
How do you reel back lost years? How do you reconstruct a life turned to dust and rubble? How do you retrieve a love so precious that the mention of it causes your eyes to well?

You sit in a Manhattan office and put these questions to Amine Baba-Ali, a courtly middle-aged man with a white-flecked goatee and hair swept back from his forehead. In truth, he looks not so different from the last time I saw him, 23 years ago, when I was a reporter with New York Newsday.

Except that back then he was lost to hope, a long-term tenant in the Eastern Correctional Facility in Napanoch, N.Y. “My vacation home,” he said, with a melancholy smile.

In 1989, he was convicted of the unspeakable: climbing into bed and raping his 4-year-old daughter. The accusation came from his ex-wife, with whom he was then caught up in a bitter divorce battle. He was found guilty of raping his daughter and was sentenced to 81/3 to 25 years.

But he was wrongfully convicted.

In the years to come, multiple courts found that the evidence against him was one legal atrocity piled atop another. The Queens district attorney’s office had hidden exculpatory evidence from the defendant. They denied this at first, only to later acknowledge it in court papers.




Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
what a horrendous miscarriage of justice...how do people destroy a man's life and go on living a normal life?

He made an interesting statement: “Who would believe a doctor would lie? A prosecutor would hide evidence? I’m not sure a lay person can comprehend what it is to live with justice denied.”

In my estimation to be charged with such a crime the raping of his own daughter and to know he is innocent would be the worst possible living nightmare.

Who knows what else happened to him while in jail. People think it is fine to rape a rapist. No one ever really worries about "what if they are innocent".

There is a long chain of people in this saga who are guilty. One and a quarter million is a small amount to receive and it took years and years, but at least it will help him out financially.

And his poor daughter. What lies were fed to her? Did the lies destroy her?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Find the ex... Publically flog her with a frozen chicken and then lock her in a Pillory for a day.
I wouldn't have a problem with her being charged. Probably Amine Baba-Ali is the kind of guy who feels it would be wrong to ruin anothers' life. Probably has a sense of fair play and moving on instead of focusing on revenge.

The fact that he has not attempted to contact his daughter is upsetting although I understand wading through that kind of murk might just destroy the girl. The mother must have had to lie to her in the extreme. For a woman to be told she was raped as a child when in fact she was not indicates child abuse and that the mother is a very unbalanced individual. Not someone who should be raising a child.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
For a woman to be told she was raped as a child when in fact she was not indicates child abuse and that the mother is a very unbalanced individual. Not someone who should be raising a child.

That ship has long sailed and that damage done. And it can't be undone.

I absolutely abhor a woman who fakes a rape charge, makes her almost worse than a rapist if not actually worse.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It would be interesting, and possibly quite amusing, to see how f*cked-up the kid is.

oh, what about child abuse then is there an angle there...not that he could use it, he loves he daughter too much obviously..
I very much doubt it. It would involve asking a court to find that lying about a rape, in and of itself, constitutes child abuse.

Major stretch.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That ship has long sailed and that damage done. And it can't be undone.

I absolutely abhor a woman who fakes a rape charge, makes her almost worse than a rapist if not actually worse.
we have two hospitals in town...all rapes get taken to one over the other when possible... my girlfriend used to take blood... worst ever was when they got a child and the mother was accusing the dad of rape...kid has to be examined and give blood...kid is always traumatized beyond what they should ever have to endure

that is mental illness to use a child against the other parent


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How do you reel back lost years? How do you reconstruct a life turned to dust and rubble? How do you retrieve a love so precious that the mention of it causes your eyes to well?

You sit in a Manhattan office and put these questions to Amine Baba-Ali, a courtly middle-aged man with a white-flecked goatee and hair swept back from his forehead. In truth, he looks not so different from the last time I saw him, 23 years ago, when I was a reporter with New York Newsday.

Except that back then he was lost to hope, a long-term tenant in the Eastern Correctional Facility in Napanoch, N.Y. “My vacation home,” he said, with a melancholy smile.

In 1989, he was convicted of the unspeakable: climbing into bed and raping his 4-year-old daughter. The accusation came from his ex-wife, with whom he was then caught up in a bitter divorce battle. He was found guilty of raping his daughter and was sentenced to 81/3 to 25 years.

But he was wrongfully convicted.

In the years to come, multiple courts found that the evidence against him was one legal atrocity piled atop another. The Queens district attorney’s office had hidden exculpatory evidence from the defendant. They denied this at first, only to later acknowledge it in court papers.



Pretty paltry compensation- he should have gotten that much for EACH of the three years incarcerated- some of which should come out of the prosecutor's pocket!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It would be interesting, and possibly quite amusing, to see how f*cked-up the kid is.

I very much doubt it. It would involve asking a court to find that lying about a rape, in and of itself, constitutes child abuse.

Major stretch.
a major stretch but the truth none the less...the child had to examined repeatedly due to the lie and anyone that would do such an horrendous thing to their child clearly should not be a parent


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
do prosecutes have insurance...where does this money come from that he gets?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
do prosecutes have insurance...where does this money come from that he gets?
Not bloody likely. The money comes out of the jurisdiction's general fund. . . i.e., the taxpayers.

On the other hand, they no doubt elected the DA on a platform of "cracking down on criminals," so it's past time they learned there are consequences for their actions.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Not bloody likely. The money comes out of the jurisdiction's general fund. . . i.e., the taxpayers.

On the other hand, they no doubt elected the DA on a platform of "cracking down on criminals," so it's past time they learned there are consequences for their actions.
DA's are elected? what is the pro and con of that system?

can't the doctor be prosecuted?