Atheists Muslims you are OWNED!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Go ahead say - Happy New Year 2014!!!

OK, you just acknowledged the years since Christs death.. 2014 AD or BC. :lol:

I'm surprised they haven't tried to change the calendar yet.. ;-)
What about the Jews, Buddhists, pagans, and all the other people you hate?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
What about the Jews, Buddhists, pagans, and all the other people you hate?

You forgot Liberals.. ;-)



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Go ahead say - Happy New Year 2014!!!

OK, you just acknowledged the years since Christs death.. 2014 AD or BC. :lol:

I'm surprised they haven't tried to change the calendar yet.. ;-)
Jews want to go back to the lunar calendar.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It matters not the date is merely a reference point in time it has nothing to do
with religion really as Christ was a modern version of a wake up revolution.
The right wing who now own the rights to Jesus are missing the entire point
of his message for they accept all literal teachings and he was about symbolism.
Rome was a large right wing fascist empire and Jesus taught something other
than that. He was both right and left depending on the issue and today we have
those on the right who only see the world through one focus and the left who see
the world and have little or no focus and both are wrong if they don't look at the
whole picture And yes Muslims believe in Jesus and the Virgin Mary they have a
whole chapter in the Koran dedicated to her. Incidentally the Bible has little more
than a page of tribute.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Go ahead say - Happy New Year 2014!!!

OK, you just acknowledged the years since Christs death.. 2014 AD or BC. :lol:

I'm surprised they haven't tried to change the calendar yet.. ;-)
I've never heard anybody say that, they just say Happy New Year, nobody appends the number to it. Besides, it's just an acknowledgment of the calendar we use. Nice try, but it's a loser.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Everything was fine until the Catholic Church decided they wanted in on the Pagan action and moved New Years from March 25 to Jan 1...................

Christian nations did not agree in the date of New Year's Day.

They were not opposed to 1 January as the beginning of the year, but rather to the pagan extravagances which accompanied it.

Evidently the natural opening of the year, the springtime, together with the Jewish opening of the sacred year, Nisan, suggested the propriety of putting the beginning in that beautiful season. Also, the Dionysian method (so named from the Abbot Dionysius, sixth century) of dating events from the coming of Christ became an important factor in New Year calculations.

The Annunciation, with which Dionysius began the Christian era, was fixed on 25 March, and became New Year's Day for England, in early times and from the thirteenth century to 1 Jan., 1752, when the present custom was introduced there. Some countries (e.g., Germany) began with Christmas, thus being almost in harmony with the ancient Germans, who made the winter solstice their starting-point.

Notwithstanding the movable Easter, France and the Low Countries took it as the first day of the year, while Russia, up to the eighteenth century, made September the first month. The western nations, however, since the sixteenth, or, at the latest, the eighteenth century, have adopted and retained the first of January.

In Christian liturgy the Church does not refer to the first of the year, any more than she does to the fact that the first Sunday of Advent is the first day of the ecclesiastical year.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Muslims believe in Christ.

To Muslimes, Christ was merely one of many prophets, of which Mohammed was the last.

They do not believe that Jesus, or anybody, was the Son of God.

Of course, they're wrong.

Dam Right Sunny Boy!!! Best country on the face of the earth...


I'm not sorry to disappoint you but..... it isn't. And never has been.