Wind farms kill 67 eagles in 5 years


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
WASHINGTON (AP) — Wind energy facilities have killed at least 67 golden and bald eagles in the last five years, but the figure could be much higher, according to a new scientific study by government biologists.

The research represents one of the first tallies of eagle deaths attributed to the nation’s growing wind energy industry, which has been a pillar of President Barack Obama’s plans to reduce the pollution blamed for global warming. Wind power releases no air pollution.

But at a minimum, the scientists wrote, wind farms in 10 states have killed at least 85 eagles since 1997, with most deaths occurring between 2008 and 2012, as the industry was greatly expanding. Most deaths — 79 — were golden eagles that struck wind turbines. One of the eagles counted in the study was electrocuted by a power line.

The president of the American Bird Conservancy, Mike Parr, said the tally was “an alarming and concerning finding.”

A trade group, the American Wind Energy Association, said in a statement that the figure was much lower than other causes of eagle deaths. The group said it was working with the government and conservation groups to find ways to reduce eagle casualties.


Eagle slaughter: Wind farms kill 67 eagles in 5 years - Washington Times


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
There has to be zero tolerance for raptor deaths caused by wind turbine collisions. Until a resolution of this problem all wind farms need to be shut down.

I don't think that's a good idea.

First off, let's look at the numbers:

67 eagles
16 years
10 states.

Or 0.4 eagles/state/year. Even recognizing that the problem is getting worse as wind farms proliferate, those numbers are still prtty low.

Secondly, I don't know about the US, but IN BC here you can't swing a salmon without hitting an eagle. They are magnificent creatures, but they are not endangered.

Thirdly, again for scale, it is estimated that in Toronto alone, bird strikes on buildings and other structures kill one million birds a year.

How do you prevent bird strikes at wind farms? By conducting adequate studies beforehand to make sure you aren't building your windfarm in a bird corridor. Birds will not change their path just because you stick a bunch of biord blenders in their way.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Cats! Cats kill between 1.4 and 3.7 billion birds in America every year.
Cats kill more than one billion birds each year | Zoology | Science News
Obama should burlap them!

Prob'ly not too many eagles though.



Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I don't think that's a good idea.

First off, let's look at the numbers:

67 eagles
16 years
10 states.

Or 0.4 eagles/state/year. Even recognizing that the problem is getting worse as wind farms proliferate, those numbers are still prtty low.

Secondly, I don't know about the US, but IN BC here you can't swing a salmon without hitting an eagle. They are magnificent creatures, but they are not endangered.

Thirdly, again for scale, it is estimated that in Toronto alone, bird strikes on buildings and other structures kill one million birds a year.

How do you prevent bird strikes at wind farms? By conducting adequate studies beforehand to make sure you aren't building your windfarm in a bird corridor. Birds will not change their path just because you stick a bunch of biord blenders in their way.

The article says the numbers of raptor deaths are probably underreported.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Let's begin with cats, buildings, windows, and loss of habitat. Once those four issues are licked, we'll turn to mills.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
There is no need to start a new industry that kills raptors. Forget about windmills and focus on saving raptors from existing threats. The Endangered Species Act should provide a basis for protracted litigation against the windmill industry. Keep them busy.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Eagle slaughter: Wind farms kill 67 eagles in 5 years - Washington Times

uhuh I remember a study saying the same thing (generally) about power lines. And there are various countries that used windmills for hundreds of years. So?

SO.......................Just another statistic.

Eagle slaughter: Wind farms kill 67 eagles in 5 years - Washington Times

uhuh I remember a study saying the same thing (generally) about power lines. And there are various countries that used windmills for hundreds of years. So?

Slaughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 eagles a year in North America?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I don't know why these stupid windmills are being put up.

Not only are they useless and produce no power when the wind isn't blowing but they also kill birds, which is hardly very environmentally friendly.

These ugly windmills are also eyesores and blight the countryside. Get rid of them and start building more nuclear and coal-fired power stations. That's what sensible Germany and China are doing.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
I don't know why these stupid windmills are being put up.

Not only are they useless and produce no power when the wind isn't blowing but they also kill birds, which is hardly very environmentally friendly.

These ugly windmills are also eyesores and blight the countryside. Get rid of them and start building more nuclear and coal-fired power stations. That's what sensible Germany and China are doing.

I can never tell if this guy is being sarcastic, either way he seems content on being the forum jester.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I can never tell if this guy is being sarcastic, either way he seems content on being the forum jester.

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm being serious.

And this IS deadly serious. Successive British have been paying heed to the enviroMENTALists for far too long and, as result, they blight the country with ugly, inefficient and expensive wind turbines whilst closing down our power stattions.

When Britain's power runs out by the end of this decade - and it will do whilst governments seem to think the county can live off wind turbines -we'll know who to blame, and the Germans, who are building lots of new coal-fired power stations, and the Chinese, who open a new power station every week, will be laughing at us. They won't run out of leccy.

All this is also true of Canada, which also seems to have a dangerously green-obsessed government which thinks it should litter the country with UGLY, INEFFICIENT AND EXPENSIVE windmills which only work when the wind is blowing wind which will generate nowhere near the amount of electricity needed to keep Canada's lights on.

Britain 'faces energy crisis unless ministers abandon green policies' Britain 'faces energy crisis unless ministers abandon green policies' - Telegraph


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I actually like windmills, yes even those huge "eyesore" types. And find the sound of them soothing (yes, I've driven up close to one and stood at the base of them).

There are fifteen of them now just over the border of NB into NS. Around here we don't have to worry much about lack of wind and even on those rare windless days they're still turning even if it's slowly.

All that said, I agree with Zipperfish; the numbers as given are pretty damn low. I'm interested to see what the numbers will turn out to be for us with the sandpipers and other water birds that fly over the area vs. the windmills.


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
I actually like windmills, yes even those huge "eyesore" types. And find the sound of them soothing (yes, I've driven up close to one and stood at the base of them).

There are fifteen of them now just over the border of NB into NS. Around here we don't have to worry much about lack of wind and even on those rare windless days they're still turning even if it's slowly.

All that said, I agree with Zipperfish; the numbers as given are pretty damn low. I'm interested to see what the numbers will turn out to be for us with the sandpipers and other water birds that fly over the area vs. the windmills.

I actually looked into this . A lot fo the bird kill dates form old direct drive turbines form the 80's.
These are being phased uout in favor of big,. slow turning geared units.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
I don't know why these stupid windmills are being put up.

Not only are they useless and produce no power when the wind isn't blowing but they also kill birds, which is hardly very environmentally friendly.

These ugly windmills are also eyesores and blight the countryside. Get rid of them and start building more nuclear and coal-fired power stations. That's what sensible Germany and China are doing.

There has been a drop in the birth rate in Holland. I wonder if the Dutch windmills have been killing storks?
As you well know, chemicals also kill birds (Carson, 1962). Perhaps Britain can destroy its chemical weapons and rely on coal-fired nuclear missles? It's worth pursuing a more environmentally-friendly weaponry, don't you think?

Spade your toeing up to the 'red line'..

We eat birds, don't we?