Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' in 2030


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
and could cause temperatures to plummet

  • New study claims to have cracked predicting solar cycles
  • Says that between 2030 and 2040 solar cycles will cancel each other out
  • Could lead to 'Maunder minimum' effect that saw River Thames freeze over

The Earth could be headed for a 'mini ice age' researchers have warned.

A new study claims to have cracked predicting solar cycles - and says that between 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out.

This, they say, will lead to a phenomenon known as the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715, even causing London's River Thames to freeze over.

The new model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun's 11-year heartbeat.

It draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun, one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone.

Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60 per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the 'mini ice age' that began in 1645, according to the results presented by Prof Valentina Zharkova at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.

The model predicts that the pair of waves become increasingly offset during Cycle 25, which peaks in 2022.

During Cycle 26, which covers the decade from 2030-2040, the two waves will become exactly out of synch and this will cause a significant reduction in solar activity.

'In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other – peaking at the same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun,' said Zharkova.

'Their interaction will be disruptive, or they will nearly cancel each other.

'We predict that this will lead to the properties of a 'Maunder minimum''


Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' in 2020 | Daily Mail Online

because manmade global warming, suv's, cow farts and oil.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Have Gore and Skuzuki and Waldo responded to this study?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Funny that this 'study' would even be allowed to be released... After all, the global consensus of sciencey-guys promoted by the UN have already declared that the sun has no influence over global warm,,, er... climate change in any way.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Funny that this 'study' would even be allowed to be released... After all, the global consensus of sciencey-guys promoted by the UN have already declared that the sun has no influence over global warm,,, er... climate change in any way.
I've always found that claim hilarious, lol.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
I'll take that over a huge heat wave any day (or decade or century as the case may be).


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Funny that this 'study' would even be allowed to be released... After all, the global consensus of sciencey-guys promoted by the UN have already declared that the sun has no influence over global warm,,, er... climate change in any way.

I believe in science 100% It is the only real truth because it is impossible to lie. The science at the time may be inaccurate as it never stops evolving but the facts will always come out in the end. This research on solar cycles may prove spot on or may be incorrect once peer reviewed and further research is done.

Funny how some specific research (stuff that supports your political beliefs) is taken at higher than face value but the greater sum of that same research where there is a consensus of opinion from the experts in the field is IYHO part of a government conspiracy supported by a global network of 10s of thousands of crooked climatologists, paleontologists, astrophysicists, etc in order to create a foundation for increased taxation.

So the key is to make sure our carbon output is high enough over the next decade to offset this non-factor in climate change?

CO2 from fossil fuels MAY contribute to climate change. CO2 from fossil fuels IS killing the oceans. Climate change we can deal with to degrees. A sterile ocean is game over.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I believe in science 100% It is the only real truth because it is impossible to lie. The science at the time may be inaccurate as it never stops evolving but the facts will always come out in the end. This research on solar cycles may prove spot on or may be incorrect once peer reviewed and further research is done.

I love it, I just love it.

Funny how some specific research (stuff that supports your political beliefs) is taken at higher than face value but the greater sum of that same research where there is a consensus of opinion from the experts in the field is IYHO part of a government conspiracy supported by a global network of 10s of thousands of crooked climatologists, paleontologists, astrophysicists, etc in order to create a foundation for increased taxation.

Ya, funny that eh. How people will only look at and consider things that support their views. Just fu cking hilarious is what it is. One could bust a stitch I tell ya. Reading your post, I'm damn near pissing myself.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Ya, funny that eh. How people will only look at and consider things that support their views. Just fu cking hilarious is what it is. One could bust a stitch I tell ya.

Yeah because I'm really off message. For clarification pray tell where do me and scientific consensus part ways? Vaccines? Apiculture? GMOs? Texting and driving? Go for it.

I'm damn near pissing myself.

Completely natural for a man of your health and well being.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Yeah because I'm really off message. For clarification pray tell where do me and scientific consensus part ways? Vaccines? Apiculture? GMOs? Texting and driving? Go for it.


I'm not "clarifying" squat. I just find your new "religion" to be hilarious.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Yeah because I'm really off message. For clarification pray tell where do me and scientific consensus part ways? Vaccines? Apiculture? GMOs? Texting and driving? Go for it.
You're right and wrong here. Absolutely correct in that most people, and the overwhelming majority on this board, reach an emotionally-driven conclusion, then hug any "study" that supports that conclusion to their breasts and proclaim it The Truth, without regard to its validity.

You're wrong in that consensus means nothing. Right is right, wrong is wrong. When 99% of people agree on something that's wrong, it's still wrong. The history of science is littered with "consensus" views that were wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I believe in science 100% It is the only real truth because it is impossible to lie. The science at the time may be inaccurate as it never stops evolving but the facts will always come out in the end. This research on solar cycles may prove spot on or may be incorrect once peer reviewed and further research is done.

Funny how some specific research (stuff that supports your political beliefs) is taken at higher than face value but the greater sum of that same research where there is a consensus of opinion from the experts in the field is IYHO part of a government conspiracy supported by a global network of 10s of thousands of crooked climatologists, paleontologists, astrophysicists, etc in order to create a foundation for increased taxation.

CO2 from fossil fuels MAY contribute to climate change. CO2 from fossil fuels IS killing the oceans. Climate change we can deal with to degrees. A sterile ocean is game over.

Science may well be 100% but scientists can and do lie everyday.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I believe in science 100% It is the only real truth because it is impossible to lie. The science at the time may be inaccurate as it never stops evolving but the facts will always come out in the end.

As you mentioned earlier, science evolves... At one point, the Earth was flat, we lived in an Earth-centric universe and the world was created in about a week

What I stated earlier was that the peer review bodies that claimed consensus and factual presentations on AGW downplayed and/or heavily discounted the effects of the sun on Earth's climate.... Add to this the political nature of the governing body in addition to the recommendations by the aforementioned body to assess financial penalties; you have a situation in which there is no confidence in anything that they have to say.