Teenager invents faster way to clean up toxic tar sands


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
An 18-year-old from Canada has invented a way to clean up the toxic waste produced from extracting oil from tar sands. Hayley Todesco used knowledge gained from fifth grade science to come up with a filtration system using sand and bacteria to quickly break down the waste.

This waste is usually stored in tailings ponds, where it will take centuries to break down. In 2010, tailings ponds took up about 68 square miles (176 square kilometers), but by 2020 that area is expected to grow to 96.5 square miles (250 square kilometers), all full of toxic waste.

Todesco remembered a sand filter that her class had made in fifth grade that completely cleaned muddy water that was poured over it. She combined that knowledge with an interest she had in biology and bioreactors that use bacteria to break down waste. She figured combining sand and bacteria would make a device that was far more effective.

With help from University of Calgary professor Lisa Gieg who let her work in her lab, Todesco began a seven month process to create a filter device that could break down naphthenic acid, a major toxic component of the oil sands tailings. She cobbled together a system that used aquarium sand, empty IV bags, and other materials she picked up at hardware and dollar stores. The finished product uses gravity to pull oil sands waste through IV bags filled with sand topped with a film of bacteria.

Once she got a working system, it took another year and half of testing and analysis, but ultimately her invention was able to break down toxic compounds from tar sands waste 14 times more quickly than the current method of containing it in tailings ponds. That means a large-scale technology that incorporates her findings could get toxic waste out of the tar sands area in decades instead of centuries.

Just last week it was announced that she won the Google Science Fair for her age group, beating out other 17 and 18 year olds from around the world with her novel filter design and research.

You can see her video submission for the Google Science Fair below.

Teenager invents faster way to clean up toxic tar sands waste using sand and bacteria : TreeHugger


rigid member
May 31, 2007
great, now come up with a design to handle the scale of a hundred square miles of water. still seems a tad problematic to me.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There was an article on this in the news several months ago. Bacteria has been used foe cleaning up oil for a while now. So far as I know time is still a problem.I know of one industrial site that took a of years for the microbes to work and that was without adding new waste. OTH the estimate to clean the site by convential methods was just north of a milion bucks. Maybe she is on to something good.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
There was an article on this in the news several months ago. Bacteria has been used foe cleaning up oil for a while now. So far as I know time is still a problem.I know of one industrial site that took a of years for the microbes to work and that was without adding new waste. OTH the estimate to clean the site by convential methods was just north of a milion bucks. Maybe she is on to something good.

And maybe someone can build on her invention. A better mouse trap for all intents and purposes. I think it's great to see young minds coming up with these at least potential solutions and innovations. These ideas may change before they get to the market stage but there's nothing wrong with that.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Where is Cannuck, and why isn't he neg repping Billy Bob, or posting Lolz?

Oh ya, forget it.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It is a matter of scale, however we know the system works in decades rather than
centuries that could well take the stick out of oil sand critics. The problem is not
the solution the problem is finding a delivery system to facilitate the method of
extraction. Its like saying ok we can finally get a car to start how do we get it to stop.
that was a problem over a hundred years ago. We found a system to stop a car
thus they are part of society.
If they can come up with a method in the next ten years the critics of oil sands will fade
into history.
Finding a delivery system should be the easy part after all they have found a method
to break it down a kid has the answer so will adults be able to come up with the rest?