Iconic Canada: Is a picture worth even one word?

CBC News

House Member
Sep 26, 2006
In a paper to be presented to a conference in Vancouver this week, Tracy Whalen, a professor at the University of Winnipeg, says there are no real "iconic" Canadian photographs.
She claims Canada has no photos equivalent to the powerful image of US Marines raising the stars and stripes at Iwo Jima.
Is there a news photograph that truly captures Canada?
Canadian soldier Pte. Patrick Cloutier and Brad Laroque, an aboriginal man from Saskatchewan, come face to face in a tense standoff at the Kahnesatake reserve in Oka, Quebec, Sept. 1, 1990. (Shaney Komulainen/Canadian Press)
What do you think? What news images sum up Canada to you?
Tell us what your picture of iconic Canada is.
Check out our photo gallery here.
