The Detroit race riots: 40 years later

CBC News

House Member
Sep 26, 2006
The summer of 1967 has been described as a long, high-pitched scream of rage for many black people in the United States. There were dozens of race riots from Omaha, Nebraska; to Chicago, Illinois; Jackson, Mississippi; Tampa, Florida; Boston, Massachusetts; Atlanta, Georgia; Newark, New Jersey; Ohio, Alabama, and even California.
Many black Americans were poor and militant, aware and impatient. They were angry. They wanted something better, and were determined to get it by any means necessary.
Throughout the '60's, the Civil Rights Movement promoted black identity, racial consciousness and pride. The movement also pointed out racial discrimination, injustice, and inequality. Many black Americans lived in squalid, crime infested cities. They were poorly educated, had few recreational facilities, few jobs, and even fewer prospects. Black people wanted better housing, and social reforms. They wanted racial justice.
The frustration boiled over in the Detroit race riot that lasted five days, claimed 43 lives and created the Detroit we see today - the most segregated major city in the United States.
Full story
How has race relations changed since the sixties?



House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Interesting reflection. Didn't someone here at CC claim that racism wasn't an issue in America any more?


Before George McGovern and these riots all over the United States, blacks in America couldn't drink from the same fountain as a white. Blacks couldn't ride the bus....blacks were the target of Republican and Neo-Con fear and hatred for decades.

Now the Hispanic people will have their turn in the barrel of American "freedom"....

Target them as "ilegal immigrants", meanwhile hire them as charwomen and pool cleaners and field workers "under the table"...even the government of the United States has wetbacks on their payrolls!

Call them evil and demonize them then when these people rise up against the hipocrisy that fuels America, riot police and the National Guard will be called out to quell the situation. Then someone like Bilary Clinton or Obama the Oreo will "take up the cause" of the disenfranchised and abused Hispanics and Americans can go back to sleep satisfied that their "racial-problem" has been dealt with fairly and openly....

Which means of course the same situation you have in America today with the blacks.... pretense without substance.