CBC gets enviro journalistic advocacy and dishonesty award of day


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
CBC gets enviro journalistic advocacy and dishonesty award of day
November 14, 2006

Wow, it must be serious if Canada took home its second straight <A href="http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2006/11/13/climate-fossil.html">"fossil of the day award" at the UN environmental talks in Nairobi. Turns out that the never before heard of award is the brainchild of the <A href="http://www.climateactionnetwork.ca/e/about/board.html">Climate Action Network.

The Climate Action Network is made up a number of Canadian enviro-groups including the <A href="http://www.davidsuzuki.org/">David Suzuki Foundation amongst others. One Morag Carter, is Director of Climate Change Program for the David Suzuki Foundation is wandering around Nairobi with a pointy stick and is headed straight for Environment Minister, Rona Amrose. He is doing the best impression of his boss David Suzuki, to pressure Canada at the UN talks in Nairobi to suck on the Kyoto exhaust pipe.

Many of the groups involved with the Climate Action Network claim independence and not to be getting direct funds from the Government of Canada, but many get <A href="http://www.davidsuzuki.org/About_us/FAQs.asp">arms-length funding (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.). Given that Liberal arms length funding of social activist groups has seen major recent cuts, no doubt there is a similar fear within this coalition for their public purse originating funding.

And the Suzuki Foundation, while not taking direct funding from CBC, is clearly leveraging the name and fame of <A href="http://www.cbcwatch.ca/?q=node/view/46">CBC’s own environmental zealot to twist arms for cash and compliance.

Before CBC goes repeating and buying into and reporting on the theatre of these groups’ cheesy award shows, at the absolute very least, CBC has an obligation to point out that there might be a conflict of CBC interest or two behind these environmental activist games.

Not to mention the fact that CBC continues to allow repeated demands from Liberal critic <A href="http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2006/11/13/climate-fossil.html">John Godfrey that Canada stick to its "Kyoto Accord obligations" when CBC repeatedly fails to report that Liberals are blowing hypocritical smoke for having done precisely zero itself to meet Kyoto targets. And ever wonder how Godfrey and the other moon howling opposition critics got to Nairobi? It wasn't the on the Liberal's dime.

Better have <A href="http://www.cbc.ca/sunday/dion.html">Evan Solomon lob another softball question at Stephan Dion over that minor oversight as former Liberal environment minister. Dion offered that the Liberal record was bad because "The truth is our economy is built on waste and we have enjoyed it for more than a century: a lot of natural resources, a lot of water, a lot of space to dump everything… Don’t forget that 19% of our GDP in Canada is in the hands of what we call the large funnel emitters the big polluters, 19%."

He said what?

Had a Conservative recognized these industrial and economic considerations, every CBC news anchor and CBC.ca columnist would be calling him or her, hell don't stop there, the whole party would be called oil industry shills. CBC would have leaked the "disturbing revelation" on Friday and Saturday and led the Sunday news with it.

Add to these willful political double standards and oversights a number of conveniently placed causal <A href="http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2006/11/13/ambrose-kenya.html">fearmongering stories from David McGuffin about "devastating" African climate change and <A href="http://www.cbc.ca/cp/health/061114/x111421A.html">heat related disease and a <A href="http://www.cbc.ca/canada/north/story/2006/11/14/climate-nairobi.html">"Feds wouldn't pay for scared enviro Inuits to go to Nairobi" story for good measure and CBC wonders why its journalistic credibility is so completely shot to j hell.
And the environmental activist journalism and dishonesty award of the day goes to… CBC!
Take a bow there Burman and please continue to happily blow biased toxic journalistic smog up the collective Canadian butt.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
Don't you get tired with all the hype about global warming? You and I have posted many times to prove the natural warming of this planet but some people still cannot see the forest for the trees.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Don't you get tired with all the hype about global warming? You and I have posted many times to prove the natural warming of this planet but some people still cannot see the forest for the trees.
Sadly most won't see the toilet paper for the poop. Kyoto is garbage, the CBC is as objective as Bush.

I won't hold my breath waiting for the leftist to get that.


Council Member
Nov 12, 2006
You took out only a couple of hundred but industries, banks and government spent hundreds. How many people made a fortune on this hype. Today's global warming scare looks pretty much the same to me.