Corporate damage report irks conservative people


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
"This issue offers examples of how corporations influence science, shows the effects that influence has on environmental and occupational health, and provides evidence of a systemic problem."

"This system produces disease because political, economic, regulatory and ideological norms prioritize values of wealth and profit over human health and environmental well-being. Science is a key part of this system; there is a substantial tradition of manipulation of evidence, data, and analysis, ultimately designed to maintain favorable conditions for industry at both material and ideological levels."

K - the corporate model that we have 'embraced' is producing negative results. It is said "to be imperfect, but the best imperfect we have", the same sentiment we hear for Democracy itself. Using that rhetoric is just a basic "tactic" to keep things the way they are, to resist change.

Perhaps it is time to ask "Is the result of corporatism over-all negative, is it balanced with enough 'good' to deserve to continue"?

Should it continue as corporatism, or has it served their purpose and now it is time to give power back to the people and redistribute the wealth that has become concentrated into a few hands, a sign that this sytem is overdue for a serious haircut.

There is a real and genuine resistance to continued corporatism.

Removing corporate influence from government is not as simple as removing religion from politics. It is the same intent though - to give power back to "all the people" , instead of political powers being controlled by special interst groups, Elites, and especailly corporate interests.


" Debate over GMO crops"
- this link tells of the kind of struggles to keep corporate interests from doing real harm to people and the environment. It is a good example due to the actual damages that are verified and as yet unreported to the masses for them to decide - they did not get to decide anything on this essential issue [despite the very real concerns for individuals], and thay is what makes it so poignant -


"the very way in which corporations are structured produces social and environmental problems and undermines reform" -

This "structure of harm" creates incentives for corporations to seek political influence over institutions designed to protect and serve the public good. Corporations often use this power to influence scientific debates so as to avoid regulation and litigation

"Who's afraid of national laws?" -
[/url] Through privileged access to the left is contemplating, right? Karlin