Neil Stonechild family suing. JUSTICE?


Oct 19, 2005
Brantford, ON
On November 28/29 1990 an Indian Native was taken by the Saskatoon Police, and left with scantily clothing at minus 40 degrees. Their was a witness to the police putting the young boy in a police car.

The police scurried for cover and covered their butts, and got away with what I and mny others considered to be murder.The Saskatoon prosecutor would not try the case, because he felt there was insufficient evidence. I always felt it should have been put to a jury to decide.

Today I heard on the CBC that the family is suing for millions in a civil case. The criminal justice system failed this young man, Neil Stonechild. Maybe there will be some justice, as poor as is, when the civil case is won.

This is a URL to the tragic story and miscarriage of justice.


Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Neil Stonechild famil

It's not at all clear that Stonechild will win a civil case, although I hope he does. The most disappointing about the outcome of the Stonechild case is the same as what was disappointing about the Harper case here in Winnipeg...nothing changed because of it. The police in both cities still abuse their powers and target minorities, engaging in racial profiling and blatant prejudice. So do the police in other cities. Regina and Thunder Bay still have massive problems with racism in their police forces, so Kenora and Brandon.

William Ashley

New Member
Nov 2, 2005
Wow stories like this really question exactly how much room for danger exists when people give individuals the power to control lives, and as per required at times viciously, even murderous.

I can only assume that due to the 'history of criminal behaviour' they may not have been well liked by the adminstration of justice. I can only assume that knickyknicky nine door wasn't appreciated, if that was the case. I could also geuss that perhaps the drunken boy said something to offend the officers, or maybe they were mad/ loco.

"what I and mny others considered to be murder." [sic]

Well yes the boy died while in custody if so that is murder.

10 years now, wonder what the officers ended up doing after getting out OF JAIL FOR 8 MONTHS. heh, I'm geussing they both survived. Wonder where they are working? I wonder if they got pardons?

I don't get how money can be involved in this. It totally makes me support more heavily my wireless camera idea on police forces though.

If this stuff really happened not to be a holocaust denire, then it is mighty unfortunate. Why would he be out drunk in scantily clad clothing ringing doorbells at -40... and not coming home?


Oct 19, 2005
Brantford, ON
This type of action was routine, smartass procedure condoned by the police force. Probably watching too much Gunsmoke, or Wyatt Earpe-run the man out of town syndrone. Putting some-one outdoors at 40 below with little clothing is murder. MURDER.

Indian bashing has been condoned in the West, where the Indians were a little closer to nature than their well fed Eastern types. Not that it has been a bed of roses for the Indians located in the East.
Better education and public awareness has raised the patronizing attitude towards Indians somewhat. There is still a long way to go.



Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Reverend Blair said:
This type of action was routine, smartass procedure condoned by the police force.

I wouldn't be so quick to use the past tense, Durgan. A lot of people say that it still happens.

Yes, it does.
Vancouver Police regularly dump human beings in remote locations to suffer. Often, they are disabled human beings.
It is like a holocaust when we see that most victims are in fact, our native brethern. I love them guys, I feel so bad that I am not helping them more.

Perhaps our Police forces have been trained to be inhumane so the masses will fear them. I just look at them with pity for being outside the love we call Being Human.

Love you All!


Oct 19, 2005
Brantford, ON
Neil Stonechild was found frozen to death several days after Jason Roy says he last saw him in police custody.
No charges.

Swept under the carpet in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CANADA-the land of the free.

Lest we forget.



Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2005
similar to the Ipperwash Park murder of a native by the OPP under instruction of Premier Harris. It seems the only way to bring bad police to justice is to videotape the incident, then you have as recently happened, the police chief saying that it was a bad camera angle and the old man wasn't actually being punched and kicked.