Why Conservatives Should Thank Chuck Cadman


Electoral Member
Nov 12, 2004
His campaign, if he was honest, would have sounded something like this: "Vote for me. I just forced an election on the 65 percent of you who didn't want one. I just declared that the Gomery inquiry is irrelevant and so too is your desire to hear him out. I think spending $250 million on an unwanted election is not too high a price to pay for my ambition. And, oh yes, I voted for the old budget -- but explicitly opposed the NDP budget changes and more money for education, housing, child care, the environment and cities."


Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Yeah...I think the Liberal strategists would have loved to lose that vote. They could have been back to having no real opposition by the time Gomery came out.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
So, and to quote an article by Linda Williamson, Toronto Sun: "...Canadians have what they say they want...another 10 months or so of corrupt, sleazy government, so we don't have to be bothered with an election..."

Truly sad. And I wonder what the answer would have been if the question had been worded: "Would you favor an election in order to remove the Liberal government?", or some other similar question. I dare say that even when there are regular type elections, 60% would say they don't want an election.


Nominee Member
Mar 26, 2005
RE: Why Conservatives Sho

the Sun? You got to be kidding me, if your going to quote something quote a real newpaper, the Sun is only good for laughs.


Nominee Member
Apr 13, 2005
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Chake99 said:
the Sun? You got to be kidding me, if your going to quote something quote a real newpaper, the Sun is only good for laughs.

What The Star or the G&M, c'mon talk about slant. Those 2 are only good for lining the bird cage.

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
RE: Why Conservatives Sho

The Sun is just a tabloid, badboy. It's okay to read on the bus if you're interested in titties and football scores, but it is not a real newspaper.


Electoral Member
Nov 12, 2004
bluealberta said:
So, and to quote an article by Linda Williamson, Toronto Sun: "...Canadians have what they say they want...another 10 months or so of corrupt, sleazy government, so we don't have to be bothered with an election..."

Truly sad. And I wonder what the answer would have been if the question had been worded: "Would you favor an election in order to remove the Liberal government?", or some other similar question. I dare say that even when there are regular type elections, 60% would say they don't want an election.

Even on the eve of the budget vote, the Liberals were suddenly back into a commanding 15 point lead in the province, according to an Ekos poll. If Conservative MPs have any sense they should be phoning Chuck Cadman and thanking him. Had there been election, Harper and his party would have been hammered in every part of the country except Alberta and Saskatchewan.

So the Toronto Sun would like an election instead and end up with an even more Liberal government?


Nominee Member
Apr 13, 2005
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Derry McKinney said:
The Sun is just a tabloid, badboy. It's okay to read on the bus if you're interested in titties and football scores, but it is not a real newspaper.

The Star and the G&M are liberal rages, I’m sure they are on the Liberal payroll. Anyone that puts any creditability in them has to be a sheep like they want.

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Fine, be that way. There are so many conservative papers out there and you guys want to quote the least credible one even when it is promoting something that would damage your party. The Sun it is then. Quebecor publishing rules!


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Derry McKinney said:
is that the only platform the Conservatives have?

Sorry, Re....errr, DM, I don't understand. Part of their platform is certainly using the corruption, lieing, thieving, and fiscal mismanagement of our tax money, yes. Is it the only one, no.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Derry McKinney said:
The Sun is just a tabloid, badboy. It's okay to read on the bus if you're interested in titties and football scores, but it is not a real newspaper.

The Sun also has Eric Margolis, about the most anti-Us, left wing columnist around. At least the Sun chain has balance, unlike the Gl and M, and The Red Star. Of course, for those who want a left wing slant in Alberta, there is always the Calgary Dullarld, and the Edmonton Left Journal to read. The Lethbridge Herald is also well known for its left leaning slant. Gee, I guess that makes three left wing papers in Alberta, and one right wing chain, with two editions. Imagine that, tolerance in Alberta for different viewpoints. :twisted:


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Derry McKinney said:
So you have no platform and don't understand the press? Hey, that's how you lost the last election.

At least one federalist opposition party is opposing the corrupt Liberal government instead of your party climbing into bed with them. To paraphrase: "Thieves of a feather flock together". And just to remind you before you say that the Bloc voted with the conservatives about Bill C43, just remember your new bedmates voted twice as many times with the Bloc as the conservatives this parliamentary session. So now the NDP is in bed with the party who supported the Bloc on several occasions.

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Just keep in mind that it is your party who provided us with the most corrupt govenment this country has ever seen. The NDP are also very specific in their goals. Just because those do not include destroying the country is no reason to get all childish and snippy. Of course Conservatives are known for being childish and snippy, so I guess it's to be expected.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Derry McKinney said:
Just keep in mind that it is your party who provided us with the most corrupt govenment this country has ever seen. The NDP are also very specific in their goals. Just because those do not include destroying the country is no reason to get all childish and snippy. Of course Conservatives are known for being childish and snippy, so I guess it's to be expected.

First of all, I don't believe your claim about Conservative corruption, secondly you have never given proof of your corrupt claim, despite being asked several times and thirdly, your claim about the conservatives wanting to destroy the country is simply ridiculous. I on the other hand have listed the many instances of corruption the Liberals are involved in. I could again, in case you forgot. And your comments sound like a bit of goading again.

Derry McKinney

Electoral Member
May 21, 2005
The Owl Farm
RE: Why Conservatives Sho

I've never made that claim here before, Blue. Nor have I been asked for proof. The proof is in history though. The Mulroney government was one big scandal from start to finish. Elected politicians were convicted of criminal acts.


Council Member
Apr 19, 2005
Proud to be in Alberta
Re: RE: Why Conservatives Sho

Derry McKinney said:
I've never made that claim here before, Blue. Nor have I been asked for proof. The proof is in history though. The Mulroney government was one big scandal from start to finish. Elected politicians were convicted of criminal acts.

To quote Peapod: Do you think I was born under a cabbage leaf? Of course you have asked, and of course you have never responded. But hey, you want to play games, fine. What are the scandals the Mulroney government supposedly had, in your opinion.