Ontario and, Quebec Play key Role in Oil Collapse


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Some might even say consorting with the enemy. As oil prices are affected and people from across Canada continue to lose their jobs, we need only to look within our own borders to see the real pigs at the trough who are contributing to lost revenues. Aside from the fact that Ontario, Quebec and some Maritime Provinces are putting the environment at risk by shipping in their oil via supertanker from Saudi Arabia, they are also taking advantage of the cheap oil deliberately being flooded on the market to cripple oil producing nations like Canada.

The result is a slow down in the economy, huge loss in tax revenues that is felt from coast to coast. While the environmental windbags in Ontario and Quebec complain about pipelines they are in fact putting our precious waterways at risk while increasing their carbon footprint.

I wonder why no one is asking our esteemed Prime Minister about this.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Wow, you believe that two so-so Provinces wield that sort of global power? News flash: they don't and if we did the international oil companies would be owned by us.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How about: World wide oil prices play a key role in oil collapse.

You can't be serious, blaming that on Ontario and Quebec. That's like blaming global warming on the Maldive Islanders. Seriously, this is a satiric thread, isn't it?

PS Are we really the enemy? Since two thirds of Canada live in Quebec and Ontario, wouldn't it be more correct to say that any "enemy within" is in a smaller fraction? Is the majority always wrong?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
But I'm hopeful that Wynne or Couillard might have had a part in it. Let me hope. Without hope, I'm destined to end up like the rest of you. Can you imagine no dreams? I remind you of that now famous line from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Rankin/Bass - 1964.


Also, if I have to help Albertans through their present troubles, they should at least understand the pain (financial and personal) of having Wynne as premier.

But it's just silly to suggest anyone has a hand in their own destiny...unless you are one with the Illuminati.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Some might even say consorting with the enemy. As oil prices are affected and people from across Canada continue to lose their jobs, we need only to look within our own borders to see the real pigs at the trough who are contributing to lost revenues. Aside from the fact that Ontario, Quebec and some Maritime Provinces are putting the environment at risk by shipping in their oil via supertanker from Saudi Arabia, they are also taking advantage of the cheap oil deliberately being flooded on the market to cripple oil producing nations like Canada.

The result is a slow down in the economy, huge loss in tax revenues that is felt from coast to coast. While the environmental windbags in Ontario and Quebec complain about pipelines they are in fact putting our precious waterways at risk while increasing their carbon footprint.

I wonder why no one is asking our esteemed Prime Minister about this.
Kinda hard to blame them, if this place is representative of the hate the big, flat provinces have for them.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You say 'flatlander' like it is some sort of disease.
Nothing wrong with being a place that is productive, moving on after is also a smart move. It will be Quebec and Ontario that will be without the means to keep the heat on when there is nothing but deep snow in all directions. Sad as that would be it would be an instant solution to those places being considered to be inhabitable.
Forest dwellers are a bit different.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
How about: World wide oil prices play a key role in oil collapse.

You can't be serious, blaming that on Ontario and Quebec. That's like blaming global warming on the Maldive Islanders. Seriously, this is a satiric thread, isn't it?

PS Are we really the enemy? Since two thirds of Canada live in Quebec and Ontario, wouldn't it be more correct to say that any "enemy within" is in a smaller fraction? Is the majority always wrong?

Its a fact and no world oil prices are only part of the problem. The greedy in Ontario and Quebec are quite happy to take our money in equalization payments and at the same time are inhibiting the flow of resources from the west. They seem to want to suck and blow at the same time.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Economics is economics. If we can get cheaper oil from someplace other than Canada, guess what? We'll buy it. It's human nature. People look for bargains and cheaper prices. We shop at the dollar store and Walmart because the Chinese produce goods for less than we do.

It's Alberta's fault, when you come right down to it. They could have undercut the Arab nations by just a few dollars a barrel, but didn't. It was greed. Using excuses like, "That's the world price!" We had the capability of being self sustaining, but Alberta's businesses with the help of government chose money over nationalism. Oops, there's human nature rearing its ugly head again.

Damned if you does or don'ts!

Edited to add: Remember when transfer payments were flowing from Ontario to the prairies? There wasn't as much complaining going on back then about sharing the load.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well stated RCS, it's too bad not a single commenter prior to moi understood you.

The added volume to supply Eastern Canada would be a massive boost to the Canadian market.

If the nation were self-reliant on energy, we'd be unstoppable.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
I'm used to the canadian producers gouging and raping us because they insist on the right to sell at world prices.

Turn around is a definitely a biatch


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
This is fun!

But it's still Alberta's fault.
It's St Andrew's fault in California.

Faults...plural. Oil pools in several tyles of faults.

I'm used to the canadian producers gouging and raping us because they insist on the right to sell at world prices.

Turn around is a definitely a biatch

Hence why being energy independent will set the economy on fire.

Kiss trade deficits goodbye.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Wow, you believe that two so-so Provinces wield that sort of global power? News flash: they don't and if we did the international oil companies would be owned by us.

If you buy from a country that is deliberately flooding the market in order to kill the competition you are a willing partner.

Kinda hard to blame them, if this place is representative of the hate the big, flat provinces have for them.

I left Ontario after there was no longer a point in staying. I worked in Alberta and shipped my money back to Ontario and invested in its economy along with a lot of other migrant workers who couldn't find a job that paid the bills. Fuel Haulers in Ontario get paid squat and that is why I left. Couple that with the ridiculous taxation, the corruption and the gouging it became more economical to sell my house and move to Alberta rather than flying home every six weeks.

I don't hate Ontario or Quebec, I have many friends and even some family there. I do hold their hypocritical governments in contempt, especially for their holier than thou attitude about Alberta's biggest natural resource. It is mind boggling why people can't see the benefit, but then they have been sold a bill of goods by a bunch of liars who are picking their pockets and buying from a competitor who regularly murders people for religious reasons.

The Arabs have been quit open about this market flood, while Kathleen Wynne, Prime Minister Trudeau, Philippe Couillard and the rest of the hypocrites shoot are own economy in the foot while buying from the competitor who is deliberately killing our economy.

And oil in Alberta is cheaper than anywhere in the Country, so the BS about it being Alberta's fault for not lowering prices is tantamount to saying that you buy pirated software because the real manufacturer charges too much. Check the gas station prices folks.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you buy from a country that is deliberately flooding the market in order to kill the competition you are a willing partner.
They are out to kill Russia, we have to take it on the chin.

When Russia is destroyed economically, Canada will step in.

OPEC may control 75% of oil product but Canadian companies control 75% of the world's gold production. A $700oz would be a harsh kick to Russian, Saudi and Chinese nuts as they are stockpiling to try to keep floating the price.

A couple weeks back we (Canadian Govt) had a whopping 77oz left to sell off.

By now we more than likely don't have any

So far we have been benevolent by trying not to harm the people of Russia but pummeling the oligarchs.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
More examples of people not understanding what's going on, or how transfer payments work, or where the money comes from to make those payments.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
They are out to kill Russia, we have to take it on the chin.

When Russia is destroyed economically, Canada will step in.

The Russians are definitely taking a beating as well. America, on the other hand has almost become foreign oil independent.

Funny how some Canadians can be so damned inept.

More examples of people not understanding what's going on, or how transfer payments work, or where the money comes from to make those payments.

Hence the move to create even more carbon taxation to help fill the void.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If you buy from a country that is deliberately flooding the market in order to kill the competition you are a willing partner..
It is probably a little more involved than that.
If a flooding was taking place there would be 'boycotts' but all the oil they are producing has a buyer, just like when prices were at their highest. Lets imagine that the oil companies are the ones calling the shots and the headlines are their approved publications. If Saudi was money hungry (and they are hemorrhaging money for two reasons, they are paying cash for a stalemate war and income for other services are cutting into the funds needed for all the wars they seem to have gotten themselves involved in.)

I left Ontario after there was no longer a point in staying. I worked in Alberta and shipped my money back to Ontario and invested in its economy along with a lot of other migrant workers who couldn't find a job that paid the bills. .
My eyes just narrowed a bit until I remembered the equalization payments and I just mark 'figures' in the comment box and go along my way knowing it is what it is. That is less unkind than leading me down a few blind alleys and hoping I never find out but then looking at the history of the place it is just like a little Europe and just as confused as per their homelands are even today, 100 years after they fell into chaos.

Fuel Haulers in Ontario get paid squat and that is why I left. Couple that with the ridiculous taxation, the corruption and the gouging it became more economical to sell my house and move to Alberta rather than flying home every six weeks.
What goodies do you take on your travels? Sturdy plastic travel mugs are gifts the Elders would like and they are the ones you want to please. I gave mine away to our guide when the program was finished and the next day he gave me a pair of his 'mittens', good way to to part ways. He said the kids like the dollar store bright colors so now you can run you own black market traveling circus. There is enough traffic there that there should be a network that should be capable of delivering broadband internet in the winter and broadband local community in the summer
I assume satellite radio would work for listening only and ham radio for interactive-voice-video-data.

They are out to kill Russia, we have to take it on the chin.

When Russia is destroyed economically, Canada will step in.

A couple weeks back we (Canadian Govt) had a whopping 77oz left to sell off.

By now we more than likely don't have any

So far we have been benevolent by trying not to harm the people of Russia but pummeling the oligarchs.
Okay chicken little, simmer down, you are at page 10 levels already.

You mean what is left of us don't you?

Gold in the ground can now be used as collateral. All the tailing piles in the Yukon have gold that is now recoverable at a profitable rate so the recovery rate is known before the pile starts to be mined. What isn't factored in is the rate of recovery for the material that is suctioned off the bedrock as that should be where the best recovery is from. Known reserves is money in the bank these days. I'm pretty sure the Alaska Gold TV show is a preview of how the recovery will go as far as being the proto for upgraded dredges. Old tailings in front and prime wilderness parks behind with natural caves for the wilderness tourist that would be the final use of the land. Sculpt the creeks to trap the gold in accessible places for a yearly clean-out by the tourists.