Auditors called in on Ont. Liberal Tire Stewardship scandal


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Organization sustained by fees made by public facing more scrutiny after lavish spending revealed.

Auditors have been called in to probe the government-created agency that recycles used tires in Ontario after a Star expose detailed spending on luxury hotels, alcohol and donations to the Liberal Party of Ontario.

The Ontario Tire Stewardship — funded by consumer “eco-fees” — will be scrutinized for its spending, contracts, plans for its $50-million surplus and a recent allegation that a departed executive stole recycling fees, said Michael Scott, CEO of Waste Diversion Ontario, which oversees recycling programs.

“We will need to ensure the auditors go as deep as they need to, to address any issues of trust and transparency,” Scott said. “It’s very important that the public trust in these programs is maintained. Trust is crucial.”

The probe will ultimately look at Ontario’s two other recycling organizations for electronics and household hazardous waste.


Auditors called in on Tire Stewardship scandal | Toronto Star