Ontario pension plan not about ‘helping’ retirees, but financing infrastructure


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

Once, long ago, when the world was young, Kathleen Wynne was a great believer in “national leadership.” If the federal government — I believe the prime minister in those far-off days was Stephen Harper — was unwilling to agree to an expanded Canada Pension Plan, then the government of Ontario would just have to go it alone with its own Ontario Retirement Pension Plan.

But now there is a different federal government, one committed to the very CPP expansion Wynne had championed, and Wynne is still signalling she intends to proceed with her plan. Indeed, where once Wynne painted her proposal as a Plan B in case CPP expansion did not go ahead, her position now is that the ORPP will be implemented next year, regardless.

One begins to suspect the premier’s fervour has little to do with the CPP, and everything to do with her own desire for a provincial pension plan.


Andrew Coyne: Ontario pension plan not about ‘helping’ retirees, but financing infrastructure | National Post