Establish a Royal Commission on Religion and Language


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Recognizing that the separate school system is in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Canada is a member-state and costs Ontario taxpayers an estimated 164.9 million dollars yearly and that official bilingualism is based on the old residential-school era belief in "two founding races" to the explicit exclusion of "the Indians and the Esquimos" as defined by the B&B Commission in its Book I, General Introduction, Paragraph 21 and costs Canadian taxpayers an estimated 2.4 billion dollars yearly, the Government should establish a "Royal Commission on Religion and Language" to recommend, applying the knowledge gained from universal legal, educational, linguistic, economic, ecological, physiological, religious, and other fields, and taking into account the impact of its recommendations on unofficial religious, linguistic, and ethnic communities, the most just revisions to be made to the religious and linguistic provisions of the Constitution of Canada and its indigenous Treaties, and to Canada's international linguistic policies, so as to conform them to today's universal human rights declarations and the religious and moral sentiments of residents of Canada.

Though the recommendations of the final report published by this Commission would be non-binding, they could prepare a future government that is courageous enough to open the Constitution and fix it once and for all.

Though the Constitution presents many other provlems, including no inclusion of press on able property rights as included in the UDHR, at least the Report of such a Commission would deal with the most contentious of its problems.