TransCanada raises price tag for Keystone XL to U.S. $8-billion


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
That's a shame.

TransCanada raises price tag for Keystone XL to U.S. $8-billion

CALGARY – The price tag for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline has risen by about half to US$8 billion, TransCanada Corp. said Tuesday as the U.S. regulatory process drags into its seventh year.

TransCanada had previously pegged the cost of Keystone XL at US$5.4 billion, but has long signalled that the longer it’s forced to wait for a permit, the more expensive the pipeline would become. As of Sept. 30, TransCanada had sunk $2.4 billion into the project.

Keystone XL would connect to an existing TransCanada pipeline network, enabling 830,000 barrels per day of crude, mostly from Alberta’s oilsands, to be processed in the lucrative U.S. Gulf Coast refining market.

Alex Pourbaix, president of development at TransCanada, said the increased cost is “overwhelmingly” due to delays in a U.S. State Department decision. The most recent setback relates to a court case in Nebraska over who has authority to approve the route of the pipeline through the state.

TransCanada figured the regulatory process would last about two years when it filed its application to U.S. regulators in September 2008.

“We’re now in the sixth to seventh year,” said Pourbaix. “So you can imagine the costs that are associated with that.”

“At the time that we proposed this project, it was a pretty good market for constructing pipeline projects. It’s a lot tighter market now in North America and we’ve had six or seven years of inflation,” he added.

“The losers in this whole process ultimately are consumers of energy in North America because that’s who ultimately bears the costs for these kinds of delays and cost impacts.”

CEO Russ Girling said customers who have signed up to use the pipeline continue to back Keystone XL, despite the fact that they’ll have to pay higher tolls as a result of the delays.

“Our shippers, both U.S. and Canadian producers and refiners, remain solidly behind Keystone XL and their support has not wavered over the past six years.”

Much of the opposition to the pipeline has centred on what substance it would carry: oilsands crude. Environmentalists have argued that if U.S. President Barack Obama rejects the pipeline, he would demonstrate his green credentials and commitment to fighting climate change. There are also concerns based on how a potential spill may affect water and agricultural land in the Plains states.

Supporters tout the jobs and economic boost the pipeline would provide, as well as its role in supplanting imports into the U.S. from the Middle East.

Keystone XL has played a starring role in American politics and the spotlight could soon get even more intense.

Republicans have already signalled that if they gain control of the Senate in Tuesday’s midterm elections, they intend to use their new congressional power to force Obama to approve the pipeline.

“I can’t really predict what the outcome of this particular election might have on Keystone. I guess maybe suffice it to say we’re supportive of any process that can help advance the decision on the project, given that the environmental review is completed and at this point in time, we’re just waiting for someone to say go,” said Girling.

He notes the company’s polling has consistently suggested about two thirds of Americans support the project.

While Keystone XL remains in limbo, TransCanada is pressing ahead with an even bigger project that would open up new markets for Canadian crude.

Last week, it filed a regulatory application for its $12-billion Energy East crude pipeline, which would connect Alberta crude to refineries and export terminals in Quebec and New Brunswick. It would be one of the biggest infrastructure projects in Canadian history, spanning 4,500 kilometres and carrying more than one million barrels of crude per day.

Earlier Tuesday, TransCanada said it’s planning to expand its Nova natural gas pipeline system by 2017 at a cost of $2.7 billion.

The pipeline carries about three-quarters of the gas produced in the Western Canada sedimentary basin, but TransCanada says demand for capacity has increased.

The Calgary-based company says it plans multiple projects so it can also carry more gas from unconventional sources in northwest Alberta and northeast British Columbia to markets in Canada and the United States.

TransCanada will require regulatory approval and says it plans to file applications for various parts of the project with the National Energy Board between now and the third quarter of 2015.

It’s aiming to begin construction in 2016 and have all the changes in service by the second quarter of 2017.

The company also announced it will take the next step in updating its natural gas infrastructure in southern Ontario in the Toronto and Hamilton areas.

The pipeline and facility expansions within the so-called Eastern Triangle portion of TransCanada’s Canadian Mainline system are expected to cost about $475 million.

The company made the announcements shortly before it reported a third-quarter profit of $457 million or 64 cents per share on $2.45 billion in revenue. That compared with a profit of $481 million or 68 cents per share on $2.20 billion in revenue a year ago.

On a comparable basis, the company said it earned $450 million or 63 cents per share for its latest quarter, up from $447 million or 63 cents per share a year ago.

Analysts had expected an adjusted profit of 61 cents per share, according to Thomson Reuters.

TransCanada raises price tag for Keystone XL to U.S. $8-billion

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Bad news for the American refining industry down on the Gulf... Looks like their margins will be carved up.

Even worse news for the eco-lobbies. Now that the Reps are basically the gvt, the p/l should be getting approved to the Gulf in addition to 2 major lines in Canada.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
He might as well veto it.... Considering the damage to the Dems to date, gutting the entire party may be in order.

All the same, nothing Obama can do about Energy East, Enbridge Line 9 and Northern gateway


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
You think this won't be vetoed by Obamers?


Probably, but his veto will clarify that he opposes job creation and energy development. This will be used against him and other Democrats. It will also be used against Hillary Clinton in the next election. While the Democrats controlled the Senate he didn't have to make hard decisions that fostered opposition to his agenda.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
He might as well veto it.... Considering the damage to the Dems to date, gutting the entire party may be in order.

typical mid-term election result against the incumbent president. Here's a thought: do you think the Republican led 'do nothing House' will be matched by a Republican led 'do nothing Senate'... or will Republicans actually now have to step up and show that they can actually pass legislation rather than simply obstruct Obama?

besides, the Republicans will simply self-destruct in 2016 as they go through yet another of their Presidential candidate melt-down campaigns. Which wing-nut will lead the Republicans in 2016? Hey now, I read "the next one", Jeb Bush is now in the mix! Haven't Americans finally learned to stay out of the bushes yet?

All the same, nothing Obama can do about Energy East, Enbridge Line 9 and Northern gateway

Americans don't need KXL for domestic purposes... why would Republicans really want to help enable exports to China? How's Northern Gateway working out... just a lil' hickup with Line 9... Energy East, maybe so.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Obamers wants a higher US oil volume than originally agreed upon. The Bakken needs this pipeline no matter what and so do the Green River and Niobrara oil shales in CO and WY.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
typical mid-term election result against the incumbent president. Here's a thought: do you think the Republican led 'do nothing House' will be matched by a Republican led 'do nothing Senate'... or will Republicans actually now have to step up and show that they can actually pass legislation rather than simply obstruct Obama?


The House sent LOTS of legislation to the Senate, which the "do nothing" Democrats there rejected.

Obstructing Obama is an act of patriotism.

The man is the WORST US President in 150 years.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Obstructing Obama is an act of patriotism.

The man is the WORST US President in 150 years.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Americans don't need KXL for domestic purposes... why would Republicans really want to help enable exports to China? How's Northern Gateway working out... just a lil' hickup with Line 9... Energy East, maybe so.

Obamers wants a higher US oil volume than originally agreed upon. The Bakken needs this pipeline no matter what and so do the Green River and Niobrara oil shales in CO and WY.

About Keystone XL Pipeline The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy. Along with transporting crude oil from Canada, the Keystone XL Pipeline will also support the significant growth of crude oil production in the United States by allowing American oil producers more access to the large refining markets found in the American Midwest and along the U.S. Gulf Coast. - See more at: North Dakota | Keystone XL Pipeline


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Probably, but his veto will clarify that he opposes job creation and energy development. This will be used against him and other Democrats. It will also be used against Hillary Clinton in the next election. While the Democrats controlled the Senate he didn't have to make hard decisions that fostered opposition to his agenda.

job creation? Hocum fantasy numbers from TransCanada... U.S. job numbers that have been completely refuted by independent analysis. As for energy development, which admin gets credit for the U.S. now being the world's #1 gas producer... my read has it there's been a 35% increase in U.S. oil and natural gas production under the Obama admin. And then, of course, there's renewable advances under Obama.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
job creation? Hocum fantasy numbers from TransCanada... U.S. job numbers that have been completely refuted by independent analysis. As for energy development, which admin gets credit for the U.S. now being the world's #1 gas producer... my read has it there's been a 35% increase in U.S. oil and natural gas production under the Obama admin. And then, of course, there's renewable advances under Obama.
How are they going to move that oil?

Keystone XL Pipeline will have the capacity to transport 830,000 barrels per day of crude oil from Canada and the continental United States to refineries on the Gulf Coast, where it can displace much of the higher-priced oil those refineries currently import from overseas. This view is backed up by a December, 2010 U.S. Department of Energy study which states: “Increased Canadian oil imports will help reduce U.S. imports of foreign oil from sources outside of North America” We have dedicated one-quarter of Keystone XL’s capacity to transport light crude oil produced in the U.S. Bakken region of Montana and North Dakota. - See more at: Energy Security | Keystone XL Pipeline


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
About Keystone XL Pipeline The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy. Along with transporting crude oil from Canada, the Keystone XL Pipeline will also support the significant growth of crude oil production in the United States by allowing American oil producers more access to the large refining markets found in the American Midwest and along the U.S. Gulf Coast. - See more at: North Dakota | Keystone XL Pipeline

does quoting Keystone propaganda mean anything, really? How much of that existing terminal capacity exists to support sludge today (as in Mexican sludge)... and how much of it has been retrofitted/is being retrofitted, in anticipation of more sludge through KXL? Are the American oil producers spoken of in your propaganda quote... producing sludge on their own?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Facts are facts and apparently facts are crushing your lunatic alarmist rantings. Do people C&P your alarmist rantings?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The House sent LOTS of legislation to the Senate, which the "do nothing" Democrats there rejected.

Obstructing Obama is an act of patriotism.

The man is the WORST US President in 150 years.

The excuse-makers constantly wail and moan about obstruction from the opposition, but conveniently forget about the 2 year span in which Obama controlled both Houses.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The House sent LOTS of legislation to the Senate, which the "do nothing" Democrats there rejected.

Obstructing Obama is an act of patriotism.

The man is the WORST US President in 150 years.

has it really been that long since a bush was prez?


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
The excuse-makers constantly wail and moan about obstruction from the opposition, but conveniently forget about the 2 year span in which Obama controlled both Houses.

that's called, wait for it... the Affordable Care Act. But no worries, I expect the Republicans will shortly ramp up major investigations into that Ben Gazzi guy!