Justin Trudeau: PM 'hasn't even tried' to make case for expanded Iraq role


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Justin Trudeau: PM 'hasn't even tried' to make case for expanded Iraq role

In his first major speech on the future of Canada's role in Iraq, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau left the door open for his party to back an expansion of the 30-day non-combat mission that is set to wrap up on Friday.

But he made it clear that he hasn't been won over by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's rhetoric on "the nobility of combat."

In a mid-morning speech to a mostly left-of-centre crowd attending an annual policy conference organized by Canada 2020, Trudeau pointed out that, as yet, Canadians "don't know exactly what he has offered the Americans."

"We don’t know what our role will look like. We don’t know how long our contribution is expected to last. We don’t know how helpful our CF-18s will truly be," he added.

All those unanswered questions, he said, "makes Canadians understandably anxious."

"Mr. Harper is intent on taking Canada to war in Iraq,"Trudeau stressed. "He hasn't made the case for it. He hasn’t even tried."



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
"whip out our CF-18s and show them how big they are"



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Typical show boating by the Drama Queen of Politics.
I support the mission, I also support having the Arabs, Sunni, foot the bills and put their own boots on the ground.
Egypt, Saudi and Turkey have more than enough troops and equipment to support this mission.

Firstly- It does not have to go to Parliament.
Next- Chretien did not take a vote on involvement in Iraq to Parliament.
He did later offer 800 troops for Iraq.

Andrew Coyne: Battle against Islamic extremists offers few ready answers about Canada’s role | National Post

And Mr. Chretien’s decision was hardly the principled stance it was made out to be. Indeed, as the National Post’s Chris Wattie reported some months later, Canada offered to send a battle group of up to 800 soldiers to Iraq — only for the prime minister to change course at the last minute, and reroute them to Afghanistan. Liberals don’t tend to recall that as often.

In all that time, from 2001, when the Afghanistan deployment began, through the two-step over Iraq in 2003, Mr. Chretien never once involved Parliament in these decisions: whether to go to war, or where, or in what numbers. But that, too, has been dropped down the memory hole, as the Liberals, together with the NDP, now demand, not only that any combat role for Canada in the current campaign in Iraq be put to a vote of MPs — which the government has promised to hold — but that virtually every detail of the government’s deliberations be made public.

Of course, just because this is hypocritical doesn’t make it wrong. As a matter of law, the government is under no obligation to obtain legislative approval for any military engagement — not even, as American presidents must, when war is declared. Under our system, as the constitutional scholar Philippe Lagassé reminds us, the power to wage war is part of the Crown prerogative, which is to say executive authority.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
don't know exactly what he has offered the Americans.

30 days of advisor's.

We don’t know what our role will look like.

That's because beyond the 30 days of advisor's, we don't have one.

We don’t know how long our contribution is expected to last.

Right now, 30 days.

We don’t know how helpful our CF-18s will truly be,

Well according to the two opposition party's, just dandy.

All those unanswered questions, he said, "makes Canadians understandably anxious."

I hope I cleared things up and all you anxious Canadians can release your sphincter muscles now.

"Mr. Harper is intent on taking Canada to war in Iraq,"Trudeau stressed. "He hasn't made the case for it. He hasn’t even tried."

Maybe that's because he's not as intent on taking Canada into war in Iraq, as you would have the toque wearing anxious Canadians believe.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
don't know exactly what he has offered the Americans.

30 days of advisor's.

We don’t know what our role will look like.

That's because beyond the 30 days of advisor's, we don't have one.

We don’t know how long our contribution is expected to last.

Right now, 30 days.

We don’t know how helpful our CF-18s will truly be,

Well according to the two opposition party's, just dandy.

All those unanswered questions, he said, "makes Canadians understandably anxious."

I hope I cleared things up and all you anxious Canadians can release your sphincter muscles now.

"Mr. Harper is intent on taking Canada to war in Iraq,"Trudeau stressed. "He hasn't made the case for it. He hasn’t even tried."

Maybe that's because he's not as intent on taking Canada into war in Iraq, as you would have the toque wearing anxious Canadians believe.

You know I'm surprised he isn't better at showboating and politicking seeing as how he was raised in the life.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You know I'm surprised he isn't better at showboating and politicking seeing as how he was raised in the life.
I'm surprised at the fact that despite the fact that his head whistles a tune in a cross wind, he's managed to build a cult.

I mean I know people are stupid, but to think that there are enough stupid people to put this clown out front in the polls, is utterly amazing.

His whole platform is "Harper's a big meanie", and morons swallow it, lol.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I'm surprised at the fact that despite the fact that his head whistles a tune in a cross wind, he's managed to build a cult.

I mean I know people are stupid, but to think that there are enough stupid people to put this clown out front in the polls, is utterly amazing.

His whole platform is "Harper's a big meanie", and morons swallow it, lol.

After Iggy left, I was hoping they would finally make a wise choice. But no, choose someone proverbially just out of diapers as far as politics goes because you're trying to cash in on a name and make him the leader. No, there's nothing superficial about that at all.

And when I say I was hoping, I was really, really hoping. Because although I don't find huge fault with how things have been going under the conservatives, no government is perfect and it really is necessary to have someone to hold a real fire under their butts.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
After Iggy left, I was hoping they would finally make a wise choice. But no, choose someone proverbially just out of diapers as far as politics goes because you're trying to cash in on a name and make him the leader. No, there's nothing superficial about that at all.
If superficial was what they wanted, they got the perfect airhead to pull it off.

And it seems his supporters are just as bubble headed, and willing to back the idiocy.

And when I say I was hoping, I was really, really hoping. Because although I don't find huge fault with how things have been going under the conservatives, no government is perfect and it really is necessary to have someone to hold a real fire under their butts.
There's an old saying that applies nicely here, "Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason".

But the tight toque wearing bubble heads, want to put the contents of said diaper, in the PMO.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
If superficial was what they wanted, they got the perfect airhead to pull it off.

And it seems his supporters are just as bubble headed, and willing to back the idiocy.

There's an old saying that applies nicely here, "Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason".

But the tight toque wearing bubble heads, want to put the contents of said diaper, in the PMO.

Irrespective of other concerns, and frankly I don't quite "get him" either, bottom line is he is way too young to be an effective leader, much less PM.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Irrespective of other concerns, and frankly I don't quite "get him" either, bottom line is he is way too young to be an effective leader, much less PM.
I'm not an ageist like the childish clowns that refer to past generations as "park benchers" or "curmudgeons", so I don't place any stock in his age being an issue. I know 20 somethings that have taken their fathers businesses to a whole new level, via imagination, innovation and keen leadership.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I'm not an ageist like the childish clowns that refer to past generations as "park benchers" or "curmudgeons", so I don't place any stock in his age being an issue. I know 20 somethings that have taken their fathers businesses to a whole new level, via imagination, innovation and keen leadership.

It's not about the age, let me be more clear, it is about the level of experience.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Oh oh, now you gone an' done it!!!

The easily offended train catchers and western unionists will be gunnin' for yer head!

You insulted their messiah!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I have no idea, Goober, I don't follow American politics at all.

Obama served part of 1 term, elected as a Senator in 05, president in 08.
Justin was elected to Parliament in 08.