How Lucky We Are


Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
To live in Canada.
We are so unbelievably fortunate to be Canadians and yet some of us tend to complain a wee bit.

The stats:
Around 200 countries in the world.

Best countries (UN): 1 Denmark, 2 Norway, 3 Switzerland, 4 Netherlands,
5 Sweden, 6 Canada, 7 Finland, 8 Austria, 9 Iceland, 10 Australia.

Forbes most reputable and stable countries to live in: 1 Canada, 2 Sweden, 3 Australia, 4 Norway, 5 Denmark , 6 New Zealand, 7 Finland, 8 Netherlands, 9 Austria

Best countries (worldwide as a standard of living and comfort level ): 1 Norway, 2 Switzerland, 3 Denmark, 4 Lichtenstein, 5 Canada, 6 Australia, 7 Luxemburg, 8 Netherlands, 9 New Zealand, 10 USA

Best countries for immigrants to succeed in: 1 Canada, 2 Australia, 3 Germany, 4 Singapore, 5 USA, 6 United Arab Emirates, 7 New Zealand, 8 Norway, 9 Israel , 10 Brazil

The country that most worldwide immigrants would like to move to that is considered possible for them:
1 USA (by a huge margin)
2 Canada/ Australia/ New Zealand