Mayors Across the Nation Screw UP: We Still Trust Them More Than Other Politicians


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Now that's saying something!Lol.

Despite scandals, municipal leaders trusted most

Individual disgraces undermine good work by local governments

By Andy Radia | Yahoo Canada News – Thu, 14 Nov, 2013

It hasn't been a banner year for municipal politics in Canada.
The city of Montreal has had two mayors ousted over an ongoing corruption scandal; London Mayor Joe Fontana in the midst of a court battle over allegations that he used public money to pay for his son's wedding; Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz was the subject of a conflict of interest allegation; and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is ... well, Rob Ford.
Despite all those alleged acts of moral turpitude, a new Leger survey suggests that municipal government is still the most popular level of government in the county.
The survey — published exclusively for Yahoo Canada — shows that 21 per cent of Canadians are "very" or "extremely" confident with their municipal representative having the capacity to do his/her job. The federal and provincial confidence numbers are much lower – both at 14 per cent.

When asked about their "satisfaction" levels, Canadians, again, put their city halls on a pedestal: 42 per cent of those surveyed said that they are “most satisfied” with their municipal government, while 28 per cent and 24 per cent respectively said the same of their federal and provincial governments.
The low numbers across the board shouldn’t come as a surprise. These days, politicians are often less trusted than used-car salesmen.

But why — after all these scandals — are municipal politicians still so relatively revered?
Dave Scholz, Leger's chief marketing officer, says the apparent contradiction has to do with survey respondents distinguishing between the office and the current personality that occupies it.
"We didn’t ask 'are you satisfied with Rob Ford the individual', we asked about the municipal government," he said.
"Take his behavior out of the mix and many Torontonians would say the municipal work is going well."
David Seymour, a municipal affairs expert and senior fellow at the Manning Institute, suggests that there might be other reasons for the municipal admiration.
"Municipalities generally don't have to take on hard and polarizing issues,” he told Yahoo Canada

“While municipalities are dealing with roads and sewers, the feds are deciding whether to go to war and the provinces are deciding how to fund healthcare.”
Dr. Cheryl Collier, a political science professor at the University of Windsor agrees, suggesting that we shouldn’t discount the ‘local’ appeal of ‘local’ officials.
In an email exchange with Yahoo, she said that local politicians are often more visible than their federal and provincial counterparts and, as a result, the electorate is better able to track their “efforts to action on the ground.”
She also says that there are at least two factors unique to municipal government that buoys their popularity – one of which is the absence of political parties in most city halls.
"It helps a bit ... as politicians are [seen] only working for their constituents and not for the party," she said.
While municipalities are dealing with roads and sewers, the feds are deciding whether to go to war and the provinces are deciding how to fund healthcare.
—David Seymour, senior fellow at the Manning Institute
Secondly, she says, city governments are helped by the fact that there is very little media and public scrutiny on the actual work that they do.
It’s true: Aside from the major scandals, most municipal government issues don't lead the 6 o'clock local news. Moreover, mayors and councillors aren't subject to the same daily barrage of questions in a formal 'question period' that we see in our parliament and legislatures.
Imagine Calgary’s Naheed Nenshi having to deal with a daily televised grilling by an opposing councillor about a zoning amendment.
So maybe our local politicians aren't necessarily a better class of politician or their level of government a more sophisticated one.
Maybe it's just that the work they actually do isn't under the same microscope.

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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Seems the smaller the municipality, the less scrutiny that official gets from the public and media. I think things will get better - especially with Ford's situation as an example. More people will eventually start involving themselves and begin discussing these things at the dinner table or on a forum, etc.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Seems the smaller the municipality, the less scrutiny that official gets from the public and media. I think things will get better - especially with Ford's situation as an example. More people will eventually start involving themselves and begin discussing these things at the dinner table or on a forum, etc.
So long as it's titillating. Politics as a whole is rarely a large part of family discussion, unless it pertains directly to the family itself.

This whole fiasco we're watching go down now, will only serve to keep elitists in the running, while the 'common man' will avoid the spot light of office, for fear of the same retribution Ford has faced.
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
What passes as political discourse is mostly superficial claptrap, people are far more invested in holding each other's feet to the fire than in actually holding any public official accountable for their performance and actions. Those that do see beyond the facade into what are truly deeper problems and issues are usually so put off by the often rabid posturing of the first group, like yapping little dogs, that nothing really ever gets discussed. So cycles continue, politics never improves and apathy sets in for the masses, which is why so few of them actually bother to turn up to vote.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I see our resident elitist hack wasn't up to the challenge of civil discussion thins morning.

Must have been the hard truth in my post up there, lolz.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Everyone, Flossy, Cannuck, Petros all want to dance and Bear just obliges them:lol:

I'm just really, really tired of all of it. There have been so many topics started that are really interesting, that I'd love to be able to explore further and actually learn what others think about it, but as soon as someone comes on and either makes it all about them or starts with extreme and often times off the wall rhetoric or just basically says the exact same thing they always say, it's like they vacuum up every single other member to revolve around them. And don't get me wrong, I've participated in that as well, always have, probably always will...but there's no balance to it.

I don't know but I'd rather spend my down time with something that is stimulating or lighthearted, not doing the exact same thing day after day after day.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I don't know but I'd rather spend my down time with something that is stimulating or lighthearted, not doing the exact same thing day after day after day.
Try the pot thread. Only one Usual Suspect has entered and even then it was cursory.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I'm just really, really tired of all of it. There have been so many topics started that are really interesting, that I'd love to be able to explore further and actually learn what others think about it, but as soon as someone comes on and either makes it all about them or starts with extreme and often times off the wall rhetoric or just basically says the exact same thing they always say, it's like they vacuum up every single other member to revolve around them. And don't get me wrong, I've participated in that as well, always have, probably always will...but there's no balance to it.

I don't know but I'd rather spend my down time with something that is stimulating or lighthearted, not doing the exact same thing day after day after day.
me too, I am spending less time here now, I pop in and read a bit here and there but...there's little discussion, it's literally a waste of life...I've started reading again...there's a positive in everything...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
me too, I am spending less time here now, I pop in and read a bit here and there but...there's little discussion, it's literally a waste of life...I've started reading again...there's a positive in everything...
You know, I really do like you Sal, I do. But when you talk like that, after talking like this...

sure why not, the right keeps giving Ford a pass...looks like both sides are stupid...oh wait it's not left OR right, now there's a shock

I just have to laugh at your looking down your nose at us terrible people... :roll:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Not really.
Oh oh, I angered Cannuck by pointing out his anger, hypocrisy and lack of objectivity.

Now he's following me around the board, trolling and stalking me with the rep system.

tsk tsk, Cannuck, you were warned about such bad behavior, non?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
me too, I am spending less time here now, I pop in and read a bit here and there but...there's little discussion, it's literally a waste of life...I've started reading again...there's a positive in everything...

I don't miss it at all when I take summers off. There are some that take this entirely too seriously. I come here when I have a few minutes to spare (usually waiting for my kids) and could never see myself coming here all day every day. There's too much important things that occupy my time.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
As I prepare to do political battle next year in Toronto when I again join the fringe mayoral candidates I will continue to read the thoughts and ideals of this participants as they are a deep thinking representation of the voters of my fair city.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
As I prepare to do political battle next year in Toronto when I again join the fringe mayoral candidates I will continue to read the thoughts and ideals of this participants as they are a deep thinking representation of the voters of my fair city.
Can we get a glimpse of your platform?