UN Urged To Declare Canada's Treatment Of Aboriginals 'Genocide'

Sons of Liberty

Walks on Water
Aug 24, 2010
Evil Empire
A fresh campaign is underway to push the United Nations to label Canada's treatment of First Nations people "genocide."

On Monday, former National Chief Phil Fontaine, elder Fred Kelly, businessman Dr. Michael Dan and human rights activist Bernie Farber sent a letter to James Anaya, UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, arguing that several specific crimes against aboriginal people in Canada qualify as genocide under the post-Second World War Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG)

Article 2 of the Convention states that "genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The letter writers assert that at least three actions on the part of Canadian governments constitute genocide under those rules.
1. Sir John A. MacDonald's policy of deliberately starving First Nations people to make way for settlers in the Canadian west.
2. The residential school system and especially the decision of Department of Indian Affairs chief Duncan Campbell Scott not to address rampant tuberculosis among students.


UN Urged To Declare Canada's Treatment Of Aboriginals 'Genocide'


Jan 6, 2007
I think we could almost merge this with Bear's thread on the subject, no? Or am I missing a differentiating factor?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
If that's what they want, no prob...my infractomatic autogun has unlimited ammo.



The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
"Canada does not and never has had a policy of exterminating Indians. Genocides don’t normally include billions of dollars a year in government grants to the group in question, affirmative action hiring quotas, land reserves and other privileges."

Doesn't matter how many times you say it, Canada is not guilty of genocide. If we were there wouldn't be any indians left to claim those billions of dollars while paying no taxes.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
We could always shuffle the intelligent stuff over here, and leave PN over there where I can bat him around when I'm bored.

ETA: Darn, he already found it.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Fuk sakes, my jedi mind skills ain't what they used to be.

Oh well, I'm off to bed now anyway...can't wait to see my inbox come morning.

I'm here all week, try the buffet.

Night y'all. :smile:


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The letter writers assert that at least three actions on the part of Canadian governments constitute genocide under those rules.
1. Sir John A. MacDonald's policy of deliberately starving First Nations people to make way for settlers in the Canadian west.
2. The residential school system and especially the decision of Department of Indian Affairs chief Duncan Campbell Scott not to address rampant tuberculosis among students.
This is very much the reason my opinion has swung.

It wasn't just mass relocations, by threat, or outright fraud, as we saw in the recent Grassy Narrows settlement. There were concerted efforts to force assimilation, by way of mental harm (As residential school can only be described).

But how do we apply contemporary definitions to acts in antiquity?


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
But how do we apply contemporary definitions to acts in antiquity?

You don't! As in all law you cannot be convicted of a crime if it wasn't a crime when the act occurred. To bad, so sad. Thanks for playing, there is a board game of the show as a consolation prize for you. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
calling it genocide is much like calling someone a naz i. Mostly not appropiate and starts you off from an extremist position which is not a good place to start a negociation from.
Although I don't think it's really like screaming Nazi, it is conversation killer, but I don't think it's an extremist position anymore. Not with all the evidence that has come to light.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Then one could also consider what the British did to Irland as genocide. It is important no to apply today's values to what happened before most of us were born.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Then one could also consider what the British did to Irland as genocide. It is important no to apply today's values to what happened before most of us were born.

Technically it could. You dont have to be trying to wipe out a race for it to be genocide. Cultural genocide definitely went on for centuries here. Some groups were totally wiped out though, the Beothuk for example. If one group is wiping out another group whether it be physically or culturally it still counts as a form of genocide. Acknowledging it isnt applying todays values to them.

As for the nazi thing, they werent the first to commit genocide. Far from it. They were just more successful than most people who go down that path.

Doesn't matter how many times you say it, Canada is not guilty of genocide. If we were there wouldn't be any indians left to claim those billions of dollars while paying no taxes.

Hate to invoke Godwin, but by that logic the Nazis didnt commit genocide as there are still Jews around.

But how do we apply contemporary definitions to acts in antiquity?

100-150 years ago is far from ancient history. My great grandfather was born in 1860. We arent all that far removed from that time.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Nazis were not the only ones to commit genocide. Rwanda comes to mind. What Canada did to the aboriginal people does fit the definition of genocide; 50,000 children disappeared into the residential school system never to be seen again, sterilization of women and girls without consent, outlawing cultural practices, isolation and stigmatization of a whole race of people, etc., etc. Canadians need to come to terms with the reality. Ten generations of residential school victims has left many emotionally ill equipped to deal with life, loss of identity and marginalized by many in the dominant culture and our government who, more or less, pay lip service to the concerns of aboriginal peoples. It is time to call a spade a spade and stop p u s s y footing around the issue if it is ever to come to some conclusion.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
You don't! As in all law you cannot be convicted of a crime if it wasn't a crime when the act occurred!

Sure you can. The allies tried convicted and executed quite a few people in Germany and Japan after WW2 for things which were not illegal at the time. Violating international treaties and invading countries was illegal but not all of the things they did within their own borders was illegal at the time. Both of them made it legal to murder, torture, experiment on and enslave people within their own borders. It didnt stop people from prosecuting those responsible for those acts.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Technically it could. You dont have to be trying to wipe out a race for it to be genocide. Cultural genocide definitely went on for centuries here. Some groups were totally wiped out though, the Beothuk for example. If one group is wiping out another group whether it be physically or culturally it still counts as a form of genocide. Acknowledging it isnt applying todays values to them.
The Beothuk were actually exterminated, now extinct, but the Sinixt people were just declared extinct in 1956 for purely political reasons, while they were still living in this area. Today, the Canadian government recognizes that they still live but refuses to acknowledge that a mistake was made and reinstate their status as a Canadian tribe, even though they are recognized by the US government, as some still live in the State of Washington.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
The Nazis were not the only ones to commit genocide. Rwanda comes to mind. What Canada did to the aboriginal people does fit the definition of genocide; 50,000 children disappeared into the residential school system never to be seen again, sterilization of women and girls without consent, outlawing cultural practices, isolation and stigmatization of a whole race of people, etc., etc. Canadians need to come to terms with the reality. Ten generations of residential school victims has left many emotionally ill equipped to deal with life, loss of identity and marginalized by many in the dominant culture and our government who, more or less, pay lip service to the concerns of aboriginal peoples. It is time to call a spade a spade and stop p u s s y footing around the issue if it is ever to come to some conclusion.

Yeah I try that and it don't work. I am not responsible for things that happened before my time and I had no part in. Therefore while I sympathize about some of the bad things that occurred anyone who wants me to foot the bill can f*ck-off! I that direct enough. Get the f*ck over it! Is that far enough from pu$$y-footing for you? How about grow a f*cking pair, get a job and deal with your own sh*t like the rest of us do! Am I stuttering or being vague?

Sure you can. The allies tried convicted and executed quite a few people in Germany and Japan after WW2 for things which were not illegal at the time. Violating international treaties and invading countries was illegal but not all of the things they did within their own borders was illegal at the time. Both of them made it legal to murder, torture, experiment on and enslave people within their own borders. It didnt stop people from prosecuting those responsible for those acts.

Thanks for making a point I continually preach. Go after those individuals responsible, not me and my kids and our money. This whole bullsh*t issue is about money, not justice. It is all a bunch of excuses to extort money from the Canadian taxpayers, nothing more. If it was about justice the outcry would be to put those people responsible on trial and in jail, at least those still alive.


Jan 6, 2007
Doesn't matter how many times you say it, Canada is not guilty of genocide. If we were there wouldn't be any indians left to claim those billions of dollars while paying no taxes.

Yeah, not like the Nazi genocide which got rid of the Jews for good.

Thanks for making a point I continually preach. Go after those individuals responsible, not me and my kids and our money. This whole bullsh*t issue is about money, not justice. It is all a bunch of excuses to extort money from the Canadian taxpayers, nothing more. If it was about justice the outcry would be to put those people responsible on trial and in jail, at least those still alive.

You have zero rationality, and zero credibility, when you speak about FN issues, if it's all about you and your money.

Leaving the history books inaccurate for the sake of your pocket book is ridiculous.

It isn't all about money. Like with many things in life, sometimes it's about just acknowledging a wrong. When your country had policies in place to try to get rid of your people, and it lies and tells you it didn't, you want answers, you want truth.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
The Nazis were not the only ones to commit genocide. Rwanda comes to mind. What Canada did to the aboriginal people does fit the definition of genocide; 50,000 children disappeared into the residential school system never to be seen again, sterilization of women and girls without consent, outlawing cultural practices, isolation and stigmatization of a whole race of people, etc., etc. Canadians need to come to terms with the reality. Ten generations of residential school victims has left many emotionally ill equipped to deal with life, loss of identity and marginalized by many in the dominant culture and our government who, more or less, pay lip service to the concerns of aboriginal peoples. It is time to call a spade a spade and stop p u s s y footing around the issue if it is ever to come to some conclusion.

How much will it cost this country? Be honest. btw numerous of the so called 50,000 are now lawyers and spokes persons for natives groups, some disappearing act. My cousin loves it and makes good money from you fools.
Also please provide some proof of your assumptions of that many people missing.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Yeah, not like the Nazi genocide which got rid of the Jews for good.

You have zero rationality, and zero credibility, when you speak about FN issues, if it's all about you and your money.

Leaving the history books inaccurate for the sake of your pocket book is ridiculous.

It isn't all about money. Like with many things in life, sometimes it's about just acknowledging a wrong. When your country had policies in place to try to get rid of your people, and it lies and tells you it didn't, you want answers, you want truth.

Ok then. For about the millionth time I admit bad sh*t happened. Things were done that were wrong. There's the truth. Are we done now or do I still have to give up my dough? And that is what I mean because they aren't satisfied with acknowledgement of wrong doings, they want the grand prize too so it is about money otherwise it would have all been settled many years ago.

Seriously if it's only about changing some history books and admitting terrible things happened over the last 400 years we can end all of it by next Friday but that isn't the case is it?


Jan 6, 2007
Ok then. For about the millionth time I admit bad sh*t happened. Things were done that were wrong. There's the truth. Are we done now or do I still have to give up my dough? And that is what I mean because they aren't satisfied with acknowledgement of wrong doings, they want the grand prize too so it is about money otherwise it would have all been settled many years ago.

Seriously if it's only about changing some history books and admitting terrible things happened over the last 400 years we can end all of it by next Friday but that isn't the case is it?

Again, you're willing to define or deny based on money, not accuracy or truth.