Where have you gone, Oh Canadian Winter?


Electoral Member
Aug 19, 2007
First of all, if you are thinking this is about some wild global warming theory, well, its not. :-| But it is yet but strange changes I've witnessing from my small local town [across Buffalo] every year.

When I first came to this town--5 years ago--I enjoyed seasonal Canadian winter which I loved. Though I hated shoveling [depends on how much ka-ching I get from my mommy and daddy], I loved the frozen river, the endless feeling of that sweet white surrounding, and most of all, school closed :lol:.

But this year...this year has been THE most awkward winter I've everencountered. The day of Christmas, I was in Mexico for missionary work. Our supervisor gave each of us [missionaries] a chance to call home and I called my mother to say Merry Christmas and take care, just like what any child would do. One of the line I remember clearly was "Its white Christmas here [meaning it snowed before/during Christmas Eve and Christmas]." Instantly, I was relieved. My initial thought was that Canadian winter is back! [Last year, it wasn't white Christmas...dear mother earth, I've NEVER WENT WITHOUT SNOW BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS IN CANADA].

I was wrong, DEAD wrong. On December 27, 2007, I took my first step in Canada at Toronto Airport after a week of dusty and crazy day and night temperature fluctuation from Mexico... I would've imagined Toronto to be covered in that cold yet beautiful snow and it was. Problem was...it didn't "last" long. Between the highway to our school, the bus stopped by the Gateway for dinner. I didn't want anything but I needed to spend all the money my mom gave it or else by tomorrow, it won't be there by my wallet:smile:. So I ran out of the bus, only to feel "water dripping by my neck." No..sorry, let me clarify that for you. RAIN dripping by my neck.

Rain...Rain? I would have NEVER EVER guessed rain in late December, NEVER. Right now, the rain & snow and temperature fluctuation is so bad in my town that I still have my summer set of cloth out in my casual closet. The change of Canadian winter has been so radical in my town and this year, the winter seem to fit more like a mini-monsoon every week, with crazy heat and cold waves coming in and out.

Now tell me, who's stealing my [because its what I feel] Canadian Winter!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Heh, a Nova Scotia winter for you, crappy isn't it? I wish it would stay mild or stay cold, one or the other, but it never works that way. Today I was walking in canals on my way home, when this morning it was snow covered sidewalks. If this precipitation keeps up though, we could be in for a wild spring. The sewage treatment plant, along with many many buildings, built on a floodplain...I wonder if they ever think to consult geologists...well I really don't wonder that, I wonder why they don't.


Electoral Member
Aug 19, 2007
heh, I've been thinking...
Look at the positive side, heating bill will cost less and less each year when natural gas prices has been skyrocketing :D


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I grew up not too far from Mt. Thom in Nova Scotia. If there's going to be any snow in NS, it'll be there. But since I've been in Halifax, if you get snow, it's almost always followed by rain.... some sort of cack tease if you ask me. I say if it's going to be freezing ass cold out and we gotta put up with it, put some damn snow on the ground at least. Nothing like the view of a cold, damp concrete in the city.

But I must say, the snow has stayed around here for the most part. It's going to be above zero here in the next couple of days, but like last month, it'll be a yoyo and bounce back down to -28 before you know it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Up to 10C for Wednesday here in Truro. The snow banks will remain, but lots more to melt...rubber boots the next couple days for me. Nice to have the Puroforts on days like these ;)

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Now tell me, who's stealing my [because its what I feel] Canadian Winter!

YoungJoonKim, I'm sorry and ashamed to say it appears that someone from Edmonton is the culprit. (Probably Karrie) Your beloved winter has been seen in this area for more than a few days now. Whoever (Karrie) stole it seems to have grown tired of it and has carelessly unleashed it upon the rest of us. Please feel free to come and get it.


Council Member
Sep 29, 2007
YoungJoonKim, I'm sorry and ashamed to say it appears that someone from Edmonton is the culprit. (Probably Karrie) Your beloved winter has been seen in this area for more than a few days now. Whoever (Karrie) stole it seems to have grown tired of it and has carelessly unleashed it upon the rest of us. Please feel free to come and get it.

Unfortunately it is much too large for just Edmonton to contain, as it seems to have spead all the way to Saskatchewan! We are also very tired of it and would love it if you could come and take it back!
In a couple of weeks I am abandoning the Canadian winted and heading south to Maui! Couldn't be happier. Would love it if you could come and claim it before I get back! Thanx!:smile:


Jan 6, 2007
I don't understand you crazy people. Winter rocks. And Saskatchewan's barely been getting real winter either.... I don't think it even got below -20 while I was there! Sheesh.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
ok Karrie, the last time you said something rocks, it was about sex. I agreed with ya on that one, but this winter thang just isn't right. It's deviant, unholy and should be banished to places where I don't live.


Jan 6, 2007
Heh, a Nova Scotia winter for you, crappy isn't it? I wish it would stay mild or stay cold, one or the other, but it never works that way. Today I was walking in canals on my way home, when this morning it was snow covered sidewalks. If this precipitation keeps up though, we could be in for a wild spring. The sewage treatment plant, along with many many buildings, built on a floodplain...I wonder if they ever think to consult geologists...well I really don't wonder that, I wonder why they don't.

That would drive me round the bend. I love crisp clear prairie winters. Changes to muck drive me nuts.


Jan 6, 2007
ok Karrie, the last time you said something rocks, it was about sex. I agreed with ya on that one, but this winter thang just isn't right. It's deviant, unholy and should be banished to places where I don't live.

*sigh* Zan, the one has to do with the other... winter leads to fireplaces and hottubs, which lead to warm rum drinks or mulled wine, which lead to blushing warm people snuggled close in front of said fires or basking in the warm water, which leads to.... get with the program. Without winter, you'd be left with only summer spring and fall sex... you'd be missing some crucial variation.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
Crap... and you probably even know where I live. lol.

I don't know where ya live, and even if I did, I'd have to go out in the cold to get there. You're safe. ;-)

I'm going now to attire myself in my warm fuzzy pajamas, some warm fuzzy socks, curl up with my warm fuzzy dog and call it a Canadian night.

night all... stay warm.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
*sigh* Zan, the one has to do with the other... winter leads to fireplaces and hottubs, which lead to warm rum drinks or mulled wine, which lead to blushing warm people snuggled close in front of said fires or basking in the warm water, which leads to.... get with the program. Without winter, you'd be left with only summer spring and fall sex... you'd be missing some crucial variation.

hmm... well it sounds like a great place to visit, but I wouldn't wanna live there! :lol:

hot summer nights lead to lazy sips of icy beer while sweat beads gather on napes of the neck, cool water being thrown on hot bodies, which leads to wet t-shirts, which leads to ...getting with the program.

whew... it's warming up in here... might have to forego the warm fuzzy socks! :p


Jan 6, 2007
lol. well, on that note, get some sleep, and may you dream in all four seasons. ;-)


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
I'm going now to attire myself in my warm fuzzy pajamas, some warm fuzzy socks, curl up with my warm fuzzy dog and call it a Canadian night." Zan

That sounds sort of sexy, in a Canadian way, eh 8O



kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
But this year...this year has been THE most awkward winter I've everencountered. The day of Christmas, I was in Mexico for missionary work" YoungJoonKim

Mexico being a predominately Catholic country lends one to wonder exactly what sort of missionary work they would be in need of..........?

Just wondering.



Jun 23, 2006
I don't understand you crazy people. Winter rocks. And Saskatchewan's barely been getting real winter either.... I don't think it even got below -20 while I was there! Sheesh.

newfoundland's been doing OK for winter too

-29 last friday, -9 yesterday, so far the snow banks are about 4-6 feet high. We're having a breif respite at the moment but i expect another storm wont be far away