BC Green Plan - GWcc emissions reductions


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Well sticky, can we talk climate change here? Move it if you like....


The BC premier announced plans to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by 33% below current levels by 2020, promising it will be legistlated to be done.

Thats fantastic, putting into law is great news.

I have to say that the movable target language owhere he uses "current levels" for how reductions will be measured is a disappointment. The standard to measure emissions was agreed years ago [Kyoto talks] as being "1990 levels", and it is usually the deniers and avoiders like Harper and Bush who use "current levels" as the measure. Also, it could be that current levels might mean 2010 levels if that is when the legistlation is actually passed {i.e. "movable target"]

It is great news though, including:
- the premier promised "all government travel would be greenhouse-gas neutral starting this year".
- All energy produced in the province will have to have a net balance of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2016, promised the premier.
- all public sector organizations, including schools and Crown corporations, to be carbon neutral by 2010.

There is some research too - the "Aqua-Bouy" ocean based electric generator is being tested. It sits in the waves and bobs up and down and generates electricity!! lets do it!!

I could have hoped for more - electric cars produced in BC would have created some great economic opportunities here.
Transportation accounts for 40% of BCs GG emissions so that would go a long way to achieving the targets... Other electric car makers seem to be ready to mass-produce them for sale, like the California based Tesla Roadster that performs like a dream {see my post in Technology forum], and Zap electric vehicles from Brazil.
BC's hydro-electric capacity would power the electric cars, so no emissions would be caused at all!!

But it is great news, and all of Canada will benefit by riding BCs coat-tails when it comes to measuring how well GG emissions reductions are going in 2012 [not that Kyoto is actually in force, but hey....]

Meanwhile, Alberta is next door, stinking up the place... [that discussion for another time eh][and maybe in the Canada forums>>??]


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
Victoria, BC
One thing that has always been lacking in the Canadian environmental realm is real, enforceable legislation; if this legislation does come into existence, it will be a massive improvement in our system. Enough with "standards" and "guidelines," we need laws.