Top Gear goes to Stig farm to find a new Stig


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Top Gear presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond have been to a Stig farm to find themselves a brand spanking new Stig.

The BBC has raised a whole herd of Stigs on a 'free-range, GM-free' farm somewhere in the countryside. The Stigs come in a whole range of colours, such as red, blue, yellow, white, green and even pink. And, of course, all of them wear racing helmets to keep their faces a secret.

Top Gear are having to find a new Stig as the latest one, which was white - the show's second in total - was sacked earlier this year by the show's bosses after he won a courst case against the BBC to reveal his identity. The BBC failed to stop him publishing his autobiography. His idenitity was revealed as 35 year former movie stuntman Ben Collins.

Top Gear's first Stig, a black one, was killed in November 2003 when he drove a car off the flightdeck of a Royal Navy aircraft carrier for an episode of the show. He was killed off as he also revealed his identity.

The Stig is responsible for setting lap times for cars tested on the show at the show's track in Surrey, as well as instructing celebrity guests in the show's Star in a Reasonably Priced Car section.

Clarkson, May and Hammond will unveil their chosen Stig in London next week at the Top Gear Live exhibition in Earls Court, London.

Fancy a Stig hunt? Top Gear finds its new racing driver... on a farm

By Andrea Magrath
25th November 2010
Daily Mail

BBC bosses were furious when their second Stig went wild this year, breaking free of his master and revealing his identity.

So to solve the problem of wayward racing drivers, they have decided to breed their own.

And now a herd of colourful potential Stigs are fully grown, and ready to be unleashed on an unsuspecting Reasonably Priced Car.

Next generation: A new herd of potential Stigs have been farmed in a remote location in rural Britain

New breed: The mysterious new herd features green, blue, red and even pink versions of the racing driver

The BBC have reared a mysterious a group of drivers on a remote 'free-range, GM-free' farm in rural Britain.

The new group, undoubtedly trained to carefully guard their secret identity, features a range of new coloured suits including green, red, yellow and even pink.

Top Gear presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond have visited the farm to inspect the herd already.

Who is the Chosen One? Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond have visited the farm to inspect the herd

'Free-range and GM-free': The new breed will be specially trained to not reveal their secret identities

And they will unveil their chosen Stig in London next week at the Top Gear Live exhibition in Earls Court.

But BBC bosses have not yet confirmed whether the Stig character will be returning for the next series of the motoring show, or whether an entirely new format will be introduced.

The most recent 'white' Stig, Ben Collins, became embroiled in legal action with the BBC this year when his former employers sought an injunction against the publication of his autobiography.

Unveiling: The selected driver will be unveiled next week at Top Gear Live at Earls Court London

Mystery: But BBC bosses are yet to decide if the character will feature in the next series

They fired him for breach of contract, while Jeremy Clarkson, 50, branded him 'greedy.'

But Collins argues that as Clarkson and his fellow presenters have profited from the programme, he should be allowed to also.

'I'd been The Stig for seven years and felt loyalty should pull in both directions,' he said recently.

Scandal: The previous Stig, Ben Collins, was fired for breach of contract when he revealed his identity in an autobiography

Important decision: Top Gear presenters Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May will select the next Stig

'I feel they resented me for putting my head over the parapet. They wanted me to know my place.'

Last month it was announced he would be joining Channel 5's show Fifth Gear as a test driver and presenter.

The first, Black Stig, Perry McCarthy, drove for the first two seasons and subsequently revealed his identity.